
Yoga For Kids: More Than Asanas

So how young a kid is too young for yoga? Well if your little one can follow basic instructions, and loves to groove with you, then you should start yesterday already!

Cancer Full Moon: Coming To Venus

Cancer Full Moon—Jan. 1, 2018


Happy New Year! Happy Full Moon in Cancer! 

In astrology, the Moon represents the storehouse of all the emotions from all the experiences we’ve ever had.  And because the sign of Cancer represents home, ancestry, and lineage, it is where the Moon has the strongest link with our past. 

Essential Oils For Consciousness: Orange And Abundance

Have you ever stood in the middle of an orange orchard and breathed in the sweet, heady fragrance of oranges ripe for the picking? It is truly one of the most incredible experiences I have ever had. It could be nothing less than the scent of abundance filling the air, reminding my cells that they are not limited to what I put into my mouth, but that every part of my being can, at any time, access the Supreme Source of All that Is.

When you hear the word "abundance" what do you think of? 

Money? Wealth? Riches? Freedom

Got Toys? How Many Is Too Many

We love our kids. But in our love, are we showering them with one too many things? And other than possibly encouraging materialism, are we also reducing their attention spans (which can set them up for disappointment down the road)?

Your floor squeaks, your cupboard shelves whirr and when you sit on your couch, it tends to speak out. What are we talking about? A home overladen and overburdened with one too many toys. As parents, we want the best for our children in every way. But is buying them every new toy that hits the shelves a good idea?

What Really Grows In The Garden: Weeds, Wonder, Memories, and Magic

My five-year-old son bounds out of bed before my husband and I have opened our eyes. Messy-haired, barefoot, and still in his pajamas, Asher runs outside to check on the strawberries. The sun hasn’t reached the garden before Asher has spotted the only one red enough to pick and popped it in his mouth. I’ve come out to meet him with a baby on my hip and a watering can in my hand. This garden, like the mop-top kiddo in front of me, is my first. We moved to the country three years ago, and I’ve finally worked up the courage to put some seeds in the ground.

Easy Weeknight Vegan Rice Pilaf (No Box Needed!)

Growing up, my sister and I were vegetarians, which means we learned how to cook meals together that we could both enjoy. This sisterly bonding usually meant that we were about to indulge in a whole lot of carbs. A sodium-filled box of rice or pasta mix accompanied by a frozen vegetable, such as fake cheese sauce-drenched broccoli, was a typical go-to meal for us. So, claiming that we were cooks may be a bit of an exaggeration, but the end result was always fabulously tasty nonetheless (and rather unhealthy).