
Natural Alternatives To Antibiotic Ointment

Last week I found myself applying Neosporin after scraping my ankle on a sharp rock during a trail run. As someone who prefers to turn first to holistic healing methods, I was surprised that I didn’t have any alternatives on hand—or so I thought.

Signs From Mother Earth: A Wasp Sting’s Wisdom & Remedy

There are often parts of our lives that we dislike and events that take place that we wish did not happen. Anything that causes pain or discomfort — whether it be physical, emotional, or energetic — is something that we as humans generally try to avoid as much as we possibly can. And this is perfectly natural, logical, and reasonable –  for who wants to invite pain and suffering into their world? And yet, pain is a natural part of living. We suffer in order to grow, and we learn from the many unpleasant happenings and interactions that take place in our lives.

Mother Earth's Medicine Cabinet: Swimmer's Ear - How To Treat It Holistically

Swimmer’s Ear, also known as Otitis externa, is pretty common during the summer months simply because more people are in and around water. Swimmer’s ear is actually an infection that occurs in the outer ear canal running from your eardrum to the outside of your head. The infection is typically brought on when water enters the ear and becomes trapped inside of the ear canal.

Essential Oils: 7 Incredible Uses For Helichrysum

Helichrysum italicum is a flowering plant that’s a member of the Asteraceae family and a relative to the daisy. Helichrysum is native to the Mediterranean and thrives in the dry, rocky, and sandy ground. One of the plant’s nicknames is the Everlasting Flower due to its rejuvenating skin benefits, as well as the plant’s ability to naturally improve your complexion.

Herbal Healing: Uva Ursi

Using Uva Ursi for Magnificent Kidneys and the Release of Fear

The kidneys are often under-rated organs. They are the great detoxifiers of the body and help the body to release all that could not be used by the cells, which were then disposed of through the body's extensive lymph system. Every cell takes in nutrients from the bloodstream, which comprises around twenty percent of the area touching the cells, and then every cell releases unwanted wastes into the lymph – comprising 80% of the rest of the area around the cells.

Mother Earth’s Medicine Cabinet: Mother Nature’s First Aid Kit

Mother Nature literally provides us with everything we need, in every aspect. This first aid kit is made from simple plants or plant products that are easy to come by and well-known.

These 7 items I am going to discuss are the very basic components of Mother Nature’s First Aid Kit. It’s possible you have all of these items in your kitchen or growing out in your yard already. That’s right, the very weeds along your sidewalk could be benefiting you in a big way!

The Essential Mineral You’re Not Getting - And How to Get It Now

It all started 40 years ago, when our food supplies lost a valuable friend replaced by a sinister antagonist. Since then, we have been struggling to get enough of it, and sadly most of us didn’t even notice it was gone. We knew something was missing because things started going downhill from there, especially for women. You noticed yourself and loved ones with some added girth. That fatigue that just won’t go away, and you can’t understand or possibly remember why.

7 Must Have Essential Oils For Cold & Flu Season

With the kids back in school and colder weather on the way, it won’t be long before the sniffles and sneezing begin. That's right, cold and flu season is steadily creeping upon us. But no worries, because there is definitely an essential oil for that!

A look inside of Mother Earth's Medicine Cabinet will show you 7 different essential oils you should add to your collection to help combat cold and flu season. This list of 7 consists of my personal favorites to use.