
Natural Remedies & Herbs For Motion Sickness

If you have ever been in the backseat of a car on a winding road and started to feel nauseated, dizzy, and just plain awful, you have experienced motion sickness. We often feel symptoms of motion sickness when we are on a boat, a train, and even when flying on a plane. Children can sometimes get motion sick when playing on swings at the playground or when on rides at the fair, such as a spinning ride, or one that has you hanging upside down. 

What Is 推拿 Tui Na?

Tui Na 推拿 translates as “Push and Grasp” and indicates the active, hands on form of massage/bodywork sometimes referred to as “Chinese Meridian Massage.” Developed and practiced over thousands of years, Tui Na follows the theories and concepts of TCM (Traditional Chinese Medicine), utilizing the remarkable energies of the hand guided by the mind/heart Xin ⼼. In short, Tui Na utilizes the strength and suppleness of the human hand to work the body/mind/spirit like acupuncture does, just without needles! 

Asked & Answered: 5 Questions, 3 Healers

Basmati’s mission is to help inform our community’s decisions for its healthiest, most aligned lifestyle. So, we’ve started a new series called five questions with a practitioner!  Each month, we'll feature answers from a few different practitioners, helping you get to know each of them a little bit more, along with healing modalities they swear by. Enjoy!

KristaLove Louise Hagman 

Describe yourself in three words:

Playful, adventurous, nurturing

Balance Yourself With 5 Element Theory

There are 5 Elements in Chinese Medicine: Water, Wood, Fire, Earth, and Metal.  These Elements follow the seasons of the year, the time of day, the life cycle, and the creative process of life.  The 5 Element system is a system of checks and balances.  It is based on the idea that all things in nature will eventually balance themselves.  For example, the season of Summer will eventually yield to Fall, the longer days will turn into longer nights, and the excitement of new ideas will eventually turn into precious personal wisdom.

Chat With A Healer: Joseph Carter From Acudude sits down with Joseph Carter to talk about Acupuncture and his introduction to Asian healing arts.

Chat With A Healer: Karen Chapman - Kripalu & Acupressure

Join us to talk with Karen Chapman about holistic healing: kripalu and acupressure!


Ayurvedic Healing: An Introduction To Marma

Healing the Physical & Subtle Bodies

Healing happens on many levels both gross and subtle. We hold the power to heal our bodies with the foods we eat, heal our thoughts with our contemplative practices, and heal our relationships with awareness and conscious action. Medicine comes through many streams, nourishing the journey we walk to live a balanced and healthy life. In Ancient India, the Rishis or seers of the time recognized the range of remedies that support our human experience, and ultimately our path home.

How To Send your Love Through Acupressure

The healing power of touch is in our hands. When you are close with someone, and you would like to share your caring heart with them, you can do that through your touch. Your compassion, respect, and love are more powerful than any massage techniques you can learn. It is easy to give an acupressure massage to your loved ones, spouse, parents, children and friends, because it is simply another way to express your love for them.

How To Let Go Of  Jealousy Through Acupressure

Have you ever seen someone do a yoga pose and wished you looked like that person?  Instead of feeling happy for their success you feel jealous?  Whenever I have those feelings, I laugh to myself.  Why would I think because someone is successful, that I won't be successful in the pose?  As if there is not enough abundance in the world to go around to everyone?