Beauty From The Kitchens: 5 Carrot-Crazy Face Masks
Think carrots and you end up having a toon flashback of Bugs Bunny. But the ‘B’ you should be thinking about when it comes to this root is beauty, for as good as carotene is for the eyes, it’s pretty good for the skin too!
Marigold: The Sunshine Flower Of Health
What all can the humble marigold do? It can repel bugs in your garden, make a crunchy addition to your salads and cookies, and offer a whole bunch of medicinal and health benefits as well. Intrigued? The concept of marigold as a medicinal plant is not new, considering it has been used in apothecaries for over 1000 years already.
Your Guide to Summer Flowers: Four O’Clocks
Four o’clocks are of the genus Mirabilis L., species Mirabilis jalapa L. and are also known as Marvel of Peru, where it originated. The Spaniards discovered the plant in the Peruvian Andes in 1540 and exported it to Europe where it became a popular decorative addition in gardens throughout the continent. In warmer climates the four o’clock is a perennial but in cooler climates it is an annual.
5 Medicinal Wildflowers
Wildflowers are at their peak during mid-to-late summer in the northern United States and throughout Canada, but they’re more than just pretty. The bright purple of coneflowers and the blue of chicory are delicious for the eyes, but even better for the body.
Essential Oils: Healing Properties of Sandalwood Oil
Sandalwood refers to wood from trees in the genus Santalum. Sandalwood trees grow in India, Asia, and places like Hawaii. There are many types of wood that have desirable fragrances such as cedar and cherry trees but the scent of those trees fades pretty quickly compared to the sandalwood. The sweet, warm, woody, and soft scent of sandalwood stays strong for decades. Sandalwood’s sweet aroma has been around and highly valued for many centuries.
Superfood 101: Wild Rice!
Wild rice is not actually rice at all, but the seed from a grass of semi-aquatic species found from southern Canada to the eastern United States along the Atlantic coastal marshes. It was the staple food for the Ojibwa and Chippewa people who gathered it by canoe and fire parched the seeds.
Mangosteen: The Benefits of this Wonderfully Weird Fruit
Up until recently, mangosteen was illegal to import into the United States. When I first moved to the U.S. from Canada, no one understood what I was inquiring after when I asked grocery stores if they carried this superfruit. In Vancouver, British Columbia, where I grew up, mangosteen can be bought at Asian grocers or large markets like the popular Granville Island, where I often bought this delicious fruit for special occasions. Where I first found out about them, in Tahiti, mangosteen is sold like green juice is in the U.S.
Essential Oils: 5 Amazing Benefits of Tea Tree Oil
Tea tree oil is famously known for its antiseptic and antibacterial properties. Derived from the Australian plant, Melaleuca alternifoli, it's a great addition to any holistic medicine cabinet.
DIY Skincare 101: How to Make an Acne-Fighting Honey Facial Cleanser
I cannot stress the importance of cleansers enough. Why? Because, after a long day, it's so important to take your makeup off before bed. If you don't, you'll only clog your pores and encourage the creation of zits. It's also important to wash your face first thing in the morning too. That said, did you know you could craft your own, all-natural facial cleanser? While this one does contain honey (which certainly isn't vegan), it is full of ingredients that are great at not only removing makeup but reducing pimples.