post-workout recipes

3 Post-Workout, No-Cook Recipes

Sometimes it’s difficult to find the time to workout during the work week, let alone plan meals around your workout schedule. That’s why these three no-cook recipes make eating lunch or dinner after a workout easy. Each one takes less than 15 minutes to prepare and is also packed with protein to keep you feeling healthy well after the workout ends.

Each one of these recipes is designed for a single person, but can easily be multiplied. For the smoked salmon salad and gazpacho, feel free to add more lemon juice or olive oil depending on your taste preference.

Recipe: Marathon Morning Oats

As the days get cooler and the mornings get darker, I start to crave more warming and hearty breakfast foods. As a runner, fall is typically a time of peak preparation; many large races occur in the fall months, and my training season is no different. About 4 weeks ago I started training for my second big race of the year: the California International Marathon, affectionately called CIM. While the race is known for its world-class organization and net downhill course, it is anything but easy.