yoga pose

8 Yoga Poses To Improve Your Focus & Concentration

Let’s be honest: as we move through 2019 many of us can get easily distracted with notification after notification. We’re connected 24/7 to our smartphones and other tech devices that bombard us with information and reminders of the convenient pleasures of instant gratification.

The Best Yoga Poses For A Dose Of Self-Love

I find that my relationship with myself is greatly affected by my body awareness. Practices like yoga, which require listening to my body and bring me into my body in the moment, help me; these activities are now important paths that I travel repeatedly on the way back to myself.

#Wellness Wednesday- Yoga For Life: Week 107


Wellness Wednesday Week 107: Crocodile Pose


Great beginning backbend.

Opens chest.

Foundation & General Alignment:

Start lying on stomach, bring hands up in fist position and put them underneath chin.

Chin is inline with ground, not bent upwards or downwards.

There is a natural curve in neck, not craning one way or another.

Shoulders are pushing back and down.

#Wellness Wednesday- Yoga For Life: Week 99


Wellness Wednesday Week 99: Ardha kamalamunyasana/Half Pose Dedicated to Siddhar Kamalamuni


Stretches the inner thighs and hips, knees and ankles

Opens the chest muscles and the front shoulders

Helps promote the spinal flexibility and stimulates internal organs.

Foundation & General Alignment:

Start with legs in lotus pose, place hands on ground behind back and lift butt up off floor.

Feet are both flexed.

#Wellness Wednesday - Yoga For Life: Week 98


Wellness Wednesday Week 98: Compass Pose/Parivrtta Surya Yantrasana


Improves strength in side body.

Stretches side body, arms, and legs.

Can also improve balance.

Foundation & General Alignment:

Start sitting with feet together in front of body, lift one leg up and with opposite hand grab foot to activate stretch.

Back is straight.

Upper arm is gently grabbing foot, keep elbow above head.

Shoulders are back and away from ears.

#Wellness Wednesday - Yoga For Life: Week 97


Wellness Wednesday Week 97: Ananta’s pose/Anantāsana/Supine Leg Stretch


Strengthens legs.

Improves strength in core and back muscles.

Can help improve balance.

Foundation & General Alignment:

Start lying on side of body, raise both feet into air while together.

Entire body is engaged and lifting.

Feet are flexed.

Both legs are straight.

Body can be held stable by arms.

Heart is pressing forward.

Shoulders are pressing back. 

#Wellness Wednesday - Yoga For Life: Week 96


Wellness Wednesday Week 96: Bound Warrior 1


Opens chest.

Strengthens legs and core

Improves balance.

Foundation & General Alignment:

Start with regular Warrior 1, instead of hands out to side bring them behind back and clasp hands together.

Shoulders are back and away from ears.

Head is leaning back with shoulders.

Core in engaged and keeping body straight.

Both legs are engaged and keeping body from sagging.

#Wellness Wednesday - Yoga For Life: Week 95

Bharadvajasana Pose


Opens chest.

Stretches arms.

Great spinal twist.

Foundation & General Alignment:

Start sitting with legs in front of body. Bend knees and pull both feet toward one hip. Hand of side of body that feet are bent toward is resting on knee.

Feet are pointed or flexed.

Knees are resting with one on top of the other.

Hand is gently pressing into knee to deepen twist.

Other hand is wrapped around back and grabbing opposite arm.

#Wellness Wednesday - Yoga For Life: Week 94

Frog Pose


Stretches tops of thighs. 

Opens both chest and shoulders. 

Strengthens core. 

Foundation & General Alignment:

Start lying on stomach, bend both knees and grab bottoms of feet and gently press them downward. 

Chest is up off ground and pressing forward. 

Shoulders are back and away from ears. 

Keep elbows tucked in. 

Legs are engaged.

Knees are not flared outwards. 

#Wellness Wednesday - Yoga For Life: Week 93

Bound Wheel Pose


Deep backbend.

Opens shoulders and chest.

Stretches tops of thighs.

Foundation & General Alignment:

Start in Wheel pose and slowly bend at elbows until forearms are resting on ground. Walk hand back towards ankles and grab them.

Shoulders are relaxed.

Arms are inline with shoulders.

Keep back relaxed to avoid injury.

Legs are straight and inline with body.

Knees are pointing forward.

Feet are pointing straight ahead with knees.