
#Wellness Wednesday- Yoga For Life: Week 106


Wellness Wednesday Week 106: Supported Headstand


Improves balance.

Strengthens arms.

Is a great beginner pose for handstands.

Foundation & General Alignment:

Start on hands and knees. Bring head to ground and start to bring knees up off ground.

Hands are pressing evenly into ground for support.

Arms are both evenly bent.

#Wellness Wednesday- Yoga For Life: Week 105


Wellness Wednesday Week 105: The Swan Pose


Helps strengthen Arms.

Improves balance.

Helps prepare from more advanced arm balances.

Foundation & General Alignment:

Start sitting on knees. Put hands on ground in front of body fingers pointing towards knees. Bend at elbows and rest upper body on top of upper arms.

Body is in a straight line

#Wellness Wednesday- Yoga For Life: Week 104


Wellness Wednesday Week 104: Bound Angle Pose


Stretches legs and pelvis.

Opens chest.

Foundation & General Alignment:

Start sitting with legs in a “butterfly” position.

Feet are pressing together in front of body.

Feet are as close to pelvis as aloud.

Legs and knees are relaxed.

Belly is engaged to help keep body straight.

#Wellness Wednesday- Yoga For Life: Week 103


Extended Puppy Pose


Stretches spine and shoulders\

Opens heart

Can also open hips

Foundation & General Alignment:

Start in childs pose. Extend arms out in front of body.

Arms are both engaged and lifted off of ground.

Shoulders are back and away from ears

Back has an even curve in it.

Hips are pressing back.

#Wellness Wednesday- Yoga For Life: Week 102


Knees Chest Chin Pose


Is a gentle backbend.

Can help open chest.

Strengthens arms.

Foundation & General Alignment:

Can start lying down or in a plank position. Bring your knees, chest, and chin to the ground.

Rest of body (besides hands and feet) is not touching ground.

Feet are flexed and the balls of your feet are your base.

#Wellness Wednesday - Yoga For Life: Week 101


Bound Inverted Tortoise Pose/ Baddha Viparita Kurmasana


Lengthens spine.

Increase spine flexibility.

Helps promote blood flow to the brain.

Foundation & General Alignment:

Start lying on back, bring both legs up and over head with knees bent. Head will be between knees. Hands will come up between legs and wrap up around back.

Feet are pointed.

#WellnessWednesday - Yoga for Life: Week 42

Eagle Pose


Can help improve balance.

Will strengthen your arms, legs, knees and ankles.

Can increase circulation to all joints.

Improves focus.

Foundation & General Alignment:

One foot standing bearing all the weight.

Opposite leg is crossed over second leg, and if able, foot is hooked around back of calf.

Bent at knees like in Chair pose.

Tummy is toned.

#WellnessWednesday - Yoga for Life: Week 41

Sarvangasana / Shoulder stand


Can help relieve stress and mild depression.

Helps reduce fluid retention in your legs and feet.

Can also help relieve symptoms of menopause.

Tones legs and butt.

Foundation & General Alignment:

The base consists of the back of your upper arms, shoulders, and the back of your head.

Your elbows should be shoulders' distance apart.

Press base firmly into ground.

#WellnessWednesday - Yoga for Life: Week 40

Extended Hand To Big Toe Pose


Helps teach balance.

Strengthens legs.

Foundation & General Alignment:

Foot on floor, evenly standing on all points of foot.

Knee pulled into chest if balance isn’t strong.

First two fingers looped around big toe.

Extend leg out first and then pull leg to the side for better balance.

Other arm out in “T” position for easier balance

Shoulders are back, away from ears.

#WellnessWednesday - Yoga for Life: Week 39

Jathara Parivartanasana / Belly Rolling


Strengthens abdominal muscles.

Tones digestive organs.

Releases tension in the back and shoulder muscles.

Foundation & General Alignment:

Head, shoulder blades, back, and pelvis are on the floor.

Start with legs vertical and together, can be bent for beginners.

Arms are extended in a “t" like position.

The naval is twisting away from the direction that the legs are going.