
Sacred Trees: Hawthorn Folklore, Medicine & Food

Hawthorn (Crataegus) is rich in magical lore and medicine. The name Hawthorn reflects the berries (haw) and thorns found on this tree. It’s a small tree with big thorns that will remind you if you’re being too greedy harvesting the flowers, and later in the summer, the berries.  


The Glowing Ginkgo Tree: A Perfect Fall Choice

My neighbors have two beautiful ginkgo (Ginkgo biloba) trees in their front yard.  Honestly, I didn’t really notice them until our first fall living here, when suddenly the trees and ground were covered in gorgeous golden leaves that seemed to glow in the autumn sunlight.  I quickly looked into these stunning trees to learn more about them.

Agroforestry: How Growing Trees On Farms Fights Climate Change

When we combine trees, crops and/or livestock, we create a land-use system called agroforestry, and it’s good for the planet. Trees’ ability to hold carbon reduces the CO2 levels in the atmosphere, which is an important established goal in preventing or slowing global warming and its related stresses and effects on our planet, our species, and the other inhabitants of Earth. And, by integrating trees into agricultural settings, multiple ecological and practical advantages are possible.

Tree Medicine: 5 Common & Useful Trees

When folks think of medicinal plants, they usually picture herbs, flowers, and such.  But don’t forget about trees!  Many tree species are great medicine; an entire book could be written on them. I’ll take it easy on you and cover just 5 really good ones here. Most likely one or more of these can be found near you.

Easy to Learn Tree Pruning Techniques

Trees are one of the greatest gifts anyone can give to future generations. Our increasingly urbanized environments are enriched by trees—carefully tended by previous generations—a priceless inheritance and practice worth sustaining for posterity.

Anyone can contribute to a greener future by caring for trees, whether that’s planting, pruning or simply giving a thirsty sidewalk tree a drink of water once in a while. Someone 100 years from now will appreciate it.

Plants Speak: 9 Messages From Plants

Plants! They are like the mysterious person in the room. The strong silent type that says nothing, and everything. They have no words and yet speak volumes to those who choose to stop and listen.