Solar Eclipse

Focus On Your Inner Child Under The New Moon Solar Eclipse In Cancer

The New Moon Solar Eclipse in Cancer on July 2, 2019, is the second New Moon Solar Eclipse in Cancer of the past year, and will likely awaken issues last raised to your awareness in July 2018.

A New Moon Solar Eclipse clears the way for a new idea, a new understanding, and a new direction. When the New Moon Solar Eclipse is in the Sign of Cancer, the new idea, understanding, or direction will have to do with your home, family, and feelings of safety and security.

Vedic Astrology For Dec 30-Jan 5: A Partial Solar Eclipse, Family Drama & Ego Death

In previous articles, I have touched on the conjunction of Sun and Saturn and the possible effects that come with this conjunction.  However, I didn’t give much information on the special context as to why this is the case.  Saturn and the Sun have a special relationship.  Before I mentioned that they were mutual enemies, in regards to what in Vedic Astrology we call the natural relationships of the planets, but I didn’t get into their special familial dynamic that is revealed through their shared mythology.

New Moon Solar Eclipse In Capricorn Portends Change (In Government & Self)

A powerful New Moon Solar Eclipse arrives on Saturday, January 5, 2019! It will be visible in East Asia and Southern Alaska. Although this celestial event may not be visible where you live, you will feel its powerful reverberations nonetheless! This is because the New Moon Solar Eclipse in Capricorn occurs very close to two other powerful planets: structured Saturn in Capricorn and transformational Pluto in Capricorn. The 3 celestial bodies—the Moon, Saturn, and Pluto—will conjoin each other in Capricorn within hours of the eclipse. 

August New Moon Solar Eclipse: Revelations, Discoveries & Communication

The New Moon Solar Eclipse in Leo the Lion on Saturday, August 11 will provide you the energy to roar! With the Sun, Moon, and talkative Mercury in Leo, this is a time to express yourself! But also remember to LISTEN too! Leonine energy is warm, generous, and supportive. But much important information can be glossed over under the radiant influence of Leo the Lion.

July Full Moon Total Lunar Eclipse: Closure & Recommitment

If you feel like you are spinning your wheels while trying to move forward and you are occasionally moving sideways instead, this is due to the upcoming Full Moon Total Lunar Eclipse on Friday, July 27. This powerful eclipse, which will be visible in Europe, South America, Australia, and Africa, conjoins not only the South Node of the Moon in Aquarius, but also fiery Mars in Aquarius.

Stargazing for the Starry-Eyed

As the days begin to wane, the sun setting earlier on late summer nights, gaze up into the night sky. Stars, much more exists beyond this earth. Maybe you know what you’re looking at, and maybe you don’t. Stargazing is an awe-inspiring and humbling way to spend your summer – or winter! – nights.