
Full Moon SuperMoon On February 19: Balance Earthly Perfection With Heavenly Transcendence

The February 19 Full Moon—called the “Snow Moon” by Native American Indian tribes—will also be a SuperMoon because of its closer-than-normal proximity to Earth at the time the Moon reaches its full phase. The Moon reaches “perigee”—its closest point to Earth in its orbit— just hours before the Full Moon, making this the largest Full Moon SuperMoon of 2019! A SuperMoon phenomenon makes the Moon appear about 15% larger and up to 30% brighter than normal.


“Cure” Your Insomnia With These 3 Realizations


What if you could see your insomnia not as insomnia at all—not as some “ailment” that needs fixing, but rather, as something else, something that was serving your evolutionary process?

Transitions: No Versus Not Yet

“You can't connect the dots looking forward; you can only connect them looking backwards. So you have to trust that the dots will somehow connect in your future. You have to trust in something—your gut, destiny, life, karma, whatever.”

—Steve Jobs


Healing Journeys: Astrology Coaching Session #1

“Welcome to the world of authentic spiritual power” she said to me as we sat in our first astrology coaching session. Andrea Bryant from Awaken Astrology is as inspired as she is articulate, and I am so lucky that I have the opportunity to sit with her.

Stepping Into The Realm Of Potentiality

The meeting of human potential is crucial to the survival and proliferation of our species, and we partake in this movement through optimizing our state of perception as individuals.

The manner in which we rightly impact society directly correlates to the extent to which we move towards the fulfilling of our own potential. In other words, to elicit our “best selves” is to make the world a better place.

How might we accomplish this? How might we step into the realm of our own potentiality?

Yoga for the Eyes

My mother wore hard contact lenses for over 30 years. After working with Yoga for the Eyes for several months she began to see a marked improvement in her vision and after six month's time, she didn't need the contacts anymore. Now she only uses reading glasses on the occasion that she is staring at pages for extended periods of time. I was astonished to realize that Yoga for the Eyes was so powerful and so quick in its results.

Yielding: On Facing Your Trauma

I’ve come to believe that to be alive means to experience trauma; and I don’t mean things like war, or car accidents (although those things too) — I mean things like death, divorce, and anything else that shakes us up and makes us feel unsafe physically or emotionally. Trauma can also be secondary, by the way. It can be induced by hearing or seeing someone else’s traumatic experiences. When you take into account the majority of news stories, I’m pretty sure we’re all walking around a little traumatized.

5 Reasons to Embrace Criticism (Instead of Fighting It)

No one likes being criticized, and some of us definitely handle it better than others. I, unfortunately, tend to be on the more defensive side of the criticism spectrum. For too long, I’ve been overly worried about what people think of me and take any feedback they give me to an unhealthy, self-loathing personal level. So, it’s no surprise that I’m quick to combat criticism with every line of defense I have, instead of stepping back and receiving it for what it really is: a mere suggestion at how I can improve myself.

How To See Obstacles As Learning Opportunities

Meditation is a great way to forget about you problems and just relax in a worry-free environment. But what do you do when your problems are too big to just forget about? Having these problems on your mind while you are trying to meditate can disrupt your practice and make it difficult for you to relax. Everyone has these types of large problems that are hard not to think about from time to time, but when you do have these problems, it is important to know how to handle them, and how to adjust your meditation practice accordingly.

Rethinking Suffering

I have a confession to make: I want everything to be easy. I’m pretty sure I’m not alone in this. I think we all want a life of ease and comfort, but I had a conversation recently that irrevocably shifted my perspective.