
Paleo Almond Flour Pancakes (Grain-Free, Egg-Free, Dairy-Free)

After going grain-free a few months ago, I started to desperately miss pancakes. I used to get pancakes every Sunday morning as a kid and I refuse to live a life where I don’t get to indulge in a syrupy stack at least once in a while. I was looking for a recipe for pancakes that are allergen-free—so no gluten, eggs, or dairy—and that are also paleo. I know…tall order.

How Going Paleo Changed My Life

I have been a Paleo eater for the past eight years, and it has completely changed my life.

For those of you that don’t know, the Paleo diet is short for “paleolithic”—also known as the “caveman” diet -- and includes grass-produced meat, fish/seafood, fresh fruits and veggies, eggs, nuts and seeds, healthful oils (olive, walnut, flaxseed, macadamia, avocado, coconut), and eliminates/minimizes sugars, grains, dairy and beans.

This new way of eating came as a result of discovering my inability to process sugars and starchy foods.

The Popularity of the Paleo Diet

Is the Paleo diet still just a ‘fad’? The diet has become enormously popular in the last several years. Why? This article will explore the basics of the diet, as well as reasons why it might be here to stay as a staple diet for many. Individuals passionate about leading a healthy life and looking for a positive outlook can reap rich benefits by following the Paleo diet.