
Mantras That Matter: Using Ganesha Mantra To Open The Way

Mantra work has been some of the most powerful work I have done in my lifetime. The effect mantra has on the cells of the body and the DNA is so pronounced that I can literally feel the shifts in my being after I chant. The resonant tones of chanting change the physical body forever. It is inescapable and undeniable: Chanting simply transforms you!

5 Lessons You'll Learn In Life

Growing means you experience more – and is an amazing, freeing, and expansive experience. You understand the world better. You meet people you never knew you were missing. But an expanded view means you’ll come across some obstacles, too, no longer nestled in the safety of your hometown, family home, or familiar relationship Life begins at the end of your comfort zone.

How To See Obstacles As Learning Opportunities

Meditation is a great way to forget about you problems and just relax in a worry-free environment. But what do you do when your problems are too big to just forget about? Having these problems on your mind while you are trying to meditate can disrupt your practice and make it difficult for you to relax. Everyone has these types of large problems that are hard not to think about from time to time, but when you do have these problems, it is important to know how to handle them, and how to adjust your meditation practice accordingly.