Native American

Food Sovereignty & Native American Food With Mariah Gladstone Of Indigikitchen

Are you interested in eating in a way that nourishes you, others, and the planet? If so, the food sovereignty movement is for you. This movement recognizes that food is about more than just physical sustenance; it’s about people, the planet, and nourishing the soul. I recently had the pleasure of talking with food sovereignty champion Mariah Gladstone, who is actively working to restore and advance Native American foodways. Here’s what she had to say about food sovereignty, how you can get involved, and traditional Native American foods. 


Sweat Lodge: An Ancient Ceremony For Modern Times

The sweat lodge: from the very first time I heard this word I had an instant attraction. To me, Native Americans and their ceremonies contained everything that made this mundane world magical and alive. From my first experience 15 years ago, I prayed to sit in the seat of the water pourer. This is not a position offered lightly. The energy that participates in these lodges are not to be recklessly played with. It is a great honor, responsibility, and alignment to pour water for the people.

The Power Of Self-Talk: A New Perspective On Mental Health

My intent today is to leave you with an idea, a thought, and a seed of possibility.  After all, it is through thought first that any physical form can manifest within our earth experience. So as a collective it is important that we begin to look at our thoughts with much more awareness of the ripples they create.

5 Smudging Plants & Their Spiritual Purposes

The sacred action of smudging has been used for centuries by  various cultures, and today it is still being used for clearing, purifying, and adjusting surrounding energies. A great way to look at smudging is like a kind of spiritual bath, with the smoke cleansing away undesired dirty-spiritual vibrations.

To smudge, most people tie certain herbs and plants together with a thread, and burn them. Nowadays, there are many different kinds of plants that can be used for smudging. Here are 5 plants used for smudging as well as some of their spiritual purposes.