
Plan For Positive Progress At The Full Moon On May 18

The Full Moon in Scorpio on Saturday, May 18—also known as the Buddha Moon—is an opportune time to meditate upon, visualize, and manifest your future.

The Importance Of Balanced Masculine & Feminine Energy In Manifestation

Just do it. Failure is not an option. No guts, no glory. Do or do not, there is no try.

Common sense in our culture holds that only hard work begets rewards and that doing, and not being, is the hallmark of success. To reach a goal, we are told to aim high, work hard, put the pedal to the metal and the nose to the grindstone and get ahead. On top of that, our level of success also dictates our self-esteem. If we do not find success in our worldly endeavors, we cannot claim to be upstanding, or even whole, individuals.

The Great and Masterful Moola Bandha Lock

As one of the most important and powerful practices in all of yoga, the Moola Bandha lock, when practiced regularly, can make you great and masterful in the full spectrum of your life. How? Truth is, by lifting and engaging the perineum and bringing attention to the root of your being you are solidifying and strengthening your core essence. And this is key to pretty much everything.

Moldavite: The Other-Worldly Crystal

I continually lose this stone...until the day it pops back into my reality, and not a moment too soon! Just when I need a little transformation boost this crystal portals back in and shows me its stuff. Perhaps it is due to its “other-worldly” origins, which seem to speak to the part of me which knows I am destined for greatness – and you are too. There is no denying the strength of this stone in supporting rapid and thorough transformation, almost by magic. You could call it the “caterpillar to butterfly” crystal.

Citrine Quartz for Manifestation and Empowerment

I saw it in a crystal shop in Pune, India, and I couldn't put it down. It was calling to me. Something inside urged me to listen and I held it next to my navel center as I sorted through the array of stone carved bowls, silk scarves and other delicate trinkets. Its color was warm, comforting and powerful. I felt stronger and more able to see what would unfold for me from there after the soul-transformative experience I had just engaged in for the previous four months. This Citrine had to come home with me, there was no doubt.

Transcending The Trap Of Reality

If we only accept and see reality as it is, how can we create a better future? Many of us give up on directing the future because we see current patterns in our personal lives or patterns in society as inevitable processes. When we allow our lives to go on autopilot, we forfeit our personal power.

Life does not happen to us, life happens because of us! Many of the situations we find ourselves in today are based on choices we made in the past. Although we can’t possibly control everything in our lives, we have a lot more power to direct our future than we often realize.

Contentedly Incomplete: On Life, Work, and Working It All Out

Last weekend, I went home to visit my family.  Lately, I’ve felt a change coming—a new adventure waiting for me, manifesting now only as the goose bumps riding my forearms.  Knowing that I might soon find myself far from my loved ones, I went home.  It rained all weekend—grey skies and even a surprise mid-May snowstorm.