
Karma Yoga: Impure vs. Pure Action

You wave your ice cream cone in front of your friend’s face when you know she is on a diet…and it falls flat on the ground.

You notice that the tire that needed constant filling with air—and which you ignored—is now flat just as you are heading out the door to attend a special event. You won’t make it there in time, now.

You try to keep up with the flexible person next to you in yoga class, and wake up the next morning with a sore back and neck.


Venus Retrograde In Scorpio & Direct In Libra

October 5, 2018   -thru-   November 16, 2018


Time to Review, Reflect & Set Conscious Intentions

for Release & Reclamation of Your Connection

to Your Own Core Values & Current Priorities


New Venus Cycle ~ Scorpio/Libra Theme

October 2018 – May 2020

The Power Of Sound & Vibration: Four Mantras For Healing, Growth & Enlightenment

I spent four months in a yogic immersion course in India. We chanted mantras for an hour every evening and then twice per month we chanted the entire Bhagavad Gita—which took 6 hours to complete. There were well over 100 people chanting together at any given time, and during the final month of the course we had the entire village assembled, chanting together for 8+ hours per day. I’ll tell you: the result of all this chanting was transformative to say the least.

Transitions: No Versus Not Yet

“You can't connect the dots looking forward; you can only connect them looking backwards. So you have to trust that the dots will somehow connect in your future. You have to trust in something—your gut, destiny, life, karma, whatever.”

—Steve Jobs


Essential Oils For Consciousness: White Fir & Karma

Before our embodiment, I imagine we were traversing endless passageways and landscapes of time/space. Living other lives as other names in other places and following the ways of the culture, our ancestors, and the tug in our hearts. If you believe in past lives, that is.

I do.

Honoring The Trickster Within

We are wild ones. The more we pretend otherwise the more twisted things become.

If we try to pretend we are not angry, we blow up when we least expect it. When we try to ignore energies like attraction, they can grow into a giant that drives us into situations that lack grace and integrity. If we instead tap into our wildness we can experience our insights and emotions as they come. We can see things as they are and see ourselves as we are, but we have to be fearless enough to let our wild self out.

Winter Solstice 2016 - Celebrating the Sacred Rebirth of Our Inner Light

Winter Solstice 2016 - Celebrating the Sacred Rebirth of Our Inner Light

Panchakarma – Healing from the Inside Out

Panchakarma is a highly restorative and detoxifying therapeutic treatment used in Ayurvedic medicine. Deriving from the Sanskrit language, pancha meaning “five” and karma meaning “actions,” Panchakarma is a healing treatment that uses a variety of procedures to cleanse the body, revitalize the immune system and re-establish mental and physical balance. It is a completely unique experience for each person and is individualized based on the individual’s particular needs.

What's Karmic Yoga?

Few people call karmic yoga “karmic yoga” these days, but it still exists. You might know these classes as the weekly or monthly free class at your local studio. Perhaps there’s a donation-based class near you. Karmic or karma yoga is based from the Bhagavad Gita, which is a sacred Sanskrit Hindu text. There are three key paths to realization, and karmic yoga is one of them.