healthy eating

Why (& How) Doctors Are Prescribing Healthy Meals As Medicine

It is widely accepted that diet greatly influences one’s overall health and well-being. While the specifics of which diet is best for which population is constantly studied and debated, fresh vegetables and fruits as well as other unprocessed foods are generally seen as being on the healthier side of the spectrum.

Don't Be Fooled By Misleading Food Labels

In your quest to eat healthily and maintain a healthy weight, you have to navigate grocery store aisles full of foods that appear healthy but may not be as good for you as they seem. This may be due to confusing labels, marketing campaigns, or just misinformed public perception. You’ll often see words like "low fat" or "no sugar" and "energizing" on packaging, but these labels don't necessarily mean those items are good for you.

Swap The Sandwich: Spruce Up Your Work Lunch

While the start of a new year might seem like a good time to start swapping less-than-healthy routines for better options, spring is actually the best time for a fresh start. Why? The world is becoming green again here in North America, with seasonal favorites like radishes, sweet peas, and asparagus coming to the market.

7 Daily Habits To Stay Healthy and Avoid the Common Cold

When heaters go on, sniffles come out. Everyone's reaching for tissues and calling in sick, and as much as we all love an excuse to stay in bed and watch TV, being sick is no fun. Luckily, there are some easy routines that can help slash your risk that most people just aren't doing well. Use these tips on sleep, stress, nutrition, and activity to save your sick days...for playing hooky. (Shh, we won't tell.)

1. Eat warm foods.

Your Easy-Yet-Indulgent Holiday Party Guide to Mindful Eating

When the holidays kick into full gear, we can expect parties, office treats, and sugar cookies galore. What's a mindful eater to do with so much extra stimulus? Here's how to fully enjoy the holiday season while still fitting into your sweaters.

Have a signature dish.

How Eat Like An Athlete

As someone who regularly runs marathons and trains six days a week, food not only sustains my training but also fuels it. The need for healthy and delicious foods is important for everyone, but for athletes that need grows even stronger. Even the best athletes are unable to perform without proper nutrition, which got me thinking about my own eating habits.