
Natural Hair Care: Make Your Own Oil Elixir

Applying warm oil to your scalp and skin may sound icky at first, but the relaxing and beauty benefits you reap from it are well worth any challenges and disbelief. The very application of oil involves heating it to a comfortable temperature and then using massaging motions to apply it—whether to the scalp and hair roots, or to the skin.

5 Foods For Beautiful Hair

You might not believe it, but the foods you eat affect more than just your body weight: They affect your appearance. Certain foods are great for your skin, while others are great for your hair. Have you been suffering from dry, brittle hair? What about oily, frizzy hair? Whatever the case, buying another toxin filled shampoo might not be your best solution. You might just need to change your diet. I say this because certain foods are loaded with nutrients that hair needs to stay happy and healthy.

DIY Hair Care 101: Herbal Shampoo + Conditioner

A lot of the shampoos and conditioners out there are filled with toxins (and are costly!). To save a buck and ditch the chemicals, try making your own shampoo and conditioner with these recipes. Just remember that everyone's hair is different: What works for me may not necessarily work for you. In order to find out what your hair truly needs, I suggest experimenting with the herbs you use in these recipes. Try different herb combinations and see which ones your hair responds to best. Personally, my hair loves coconut oil, rose, and peppermint.

How to Eat Your Way to Healthy Hair

Whether it’s repairing damage from the summer sun or prepping for the cold, dry winter, lots of us are thinking about keeping our hair healthy right now. I know how hard it can be to invest in new products, do weekly hair masks, and give up the styling habits that can cause damage. Fortunately, a lot of hair-health progress can be made just by working certain foods into your diet.

How Castor Oil Makes (Hair) Dreams Come True

Today, thick, natural eyebrows are among the most highly coveted traits seen on models and celebrities.  But this is a newer trend – I spent my formative years destroying my own gorgeous brows with a pair of tweezers, trying to shape them into the perfect arcs I saw on the models.