off grid

How To Purify Water In The Wilderness

Making sure that you have fresh and clean water is one of the most important skills you can have when you’re out in the wilderness. Unfortunately, even if you have a ton of water around, it isn’t necessarily safe to drink; the biggest threats to your health and future well-being are invisible to the naked eye. A microbial infection can make a problematic time being lost into something downright terrifying.

The Health And Community Benefits Of Farm To Table Dining

While eating your dinner, you are probably focused on the hectic day you had or listening to someone else’s rant. You might be serving everyone and holding off eating until everyone is happy. You might be proud of the meal you prepared. But did you ever think about where it all came from? Your salad could have lettuce from California. Your potatoes might be from Idaho. Your stew has ingredients from all over the world.

Un-schooling With Nature

I always envision school much different than it actually is. Since Hogwarts does not seem to fit within the modern day limitations, I envision campfires with happy children playing music, cooking dinner, sharing stories, and philosophizing about the riddles of the universe. An environment created where children are comfortable enough to explore the depths of their own thought without the hindrance of unnecessary stress. How is this accomplished? Through embracing and living with Mother Nature.

Page Turners: Holistic Book Reviews - The Good Life by Helen and Scott Nearing

“The business of procuring the necessities of life has been shifted from the wood lot, the garden, the kitchen and the family to the factory and the large-scale enterprise. In our case, we moved our center back to the land.”

Living Off The Grid: Solar Panels: A Beginners Guide (Part 3)

More and more people are switching over to various forms of alternative energy. There are several reasons people decide to choose a more environmentally safe and sound source of energy. A majority of people are switching to alternative energy to minimize their carbon footprint but some simply strive to be self-sufficient.

Living Off The Grid: Solar Panels - A Beginner's Guide (Part 2)

As we discussed in part one of Solar Panels: A Beginner’s Guide, solar panels and solar systems can be very simple but at the same time very complex. A simple system is designed to take the power produced by the sun and absorb it into the solar panels.

The Wondrous Benefits of Dark Skies

We are living in a time when industrialization is the norm, traffic is just a part of the day, and buying what we need instead of making it is totally acceptable. Light pollution can often blur day and night, and affect the natural processes of the world. . Light pollution is the artificial light that shines upwards and downwards, creating a skyglow which fades out the stars from above and also disorientating wildlife and insects down below.

3 Plants You Should Know How to Identify + Forage

Most people would label everything that grows from the cracks in the sidewalks as weeds, but are they? Nope: You can actually eat a lot of plants you probably never noticed before. Unfortunately, I can't include all the foragable plants in your neighborhood in this one article, but the three I chose should be easy enough to spot.

Intentional Communities: An Introduction

This house is where I got my first taste of an intentional community. An Intentional Community (IC) is a community built on a foundation, so to speak, of people living together and working as a team. Many times the people living in a community like this share and hold common beliefs, such as religion, spirituality, politics, science, etc. There are also communities that are full of people with different opinions, religions, and outlooks.