
A Healthy Menstrual Cycle For Better Wellness

Two years ago, after several years trying various birth control options and failing to find one that felt right for me, I came off the pill for good. Before leaving hormonal contraceptives behind, I did my research, arming myself with books, courses, and information that would help me make informed decisions about how to maintain my fertility while preventing pregnancy. Beyond finding a method that works for me and my life, I finally started to understand what a healthy cycle was supposed to look like and why it mattered. 


Sacred Trees: Hawthorn Folklore, Medicine & Food

Hawthorn (Crataegus) is rich in magical lore and medicine. The name Hawthorn reflects the berries (haw) and thorns found on this tree. It’s a small tree with big thorns that will remind you if you’re being too greedy harvesting the flowers, and later in the summer, the berries.  


Natural Support For PCOS

Polycystic ovarian syndrome (PCOS) is one of the most common reasons for fertility issues in the West.  The name reflects that fact that in some of the cases, one or both of the ovaries accumulate multiple cysts…in some cases so much so that the ovary looks like swiss cheese on an ultrasound.

Superfood 101: Rambutan!

Rambutan is a member of the family Sapindaceae or Soapberry family of the genus Nephelium L. or nephelium P. There are 124 listed species of which four are accepted but are not listed in the United States Department of Agriculture (USDA) classification.

Chasteberry For PMS, Irregular Cycles, Fertility & More

When PMS comes around to visit, most women grab ibuprofen to relieve menstrual cramps, headaches, and other nasty side effects that occur near their menstrual cycle. While these over-the-counter pharmaceuticals can alleviate the pain, they often come with less-than-pleasant side effects, particularly when used long term.

Birthstone Series: Clarify & Focus With Carnelian & Quartz For Virgo

With the sun moving through the constellation of Virgo we are influenced by the element of earth and Virgo’s strong organizational and precise way of viewing the world. In order to more easily connect to what Virgo offers, both the clear quartz crystal as well as the carnelian stone can help offer both heightened precision as well as grounding support for the month.

Almonds: Natural Ayurvedic Healing

When I was at yoga school in India I encountered many other students who were also on an Ayurvedic path. It was actually my first interface with Ayurveda in action. I remember seeing one student in particular who sat with a bowl full of soaked almonds in the morning, peeling the skins, adding them to the yogic diet we were already being fed. My interest was immediately piqued. I was interested in what he was doing, as he obviously chose almonds over any other food to bring to our silent morning meals.

Healing the Whole Self With Ashwagandha

There are a multitude of herbs that have reportedly numerous healing properties and can be effective for treatment in a wide array of conditions. Ashwagandha is one of these herbs. Ayurvedic practitioners in India have been utilizing this ancient herb for many issues, especially for conditions that have root in the brain, including memory, cognitive functions in general, the regulation of neurotransmitters and insomnia.

The Essential Mineral You’re Not Getting - And How to Get It Now

It all started 40 years ago, when our food supplies lost a valuable friend replaced by a sinister antagonist. Since then, we have been struggling to get enough of it, and sadly most of us didn’t even notice it was gone. We knew something was missing because things started going downhill from there, especially for women. You noticed yourself and loved ones with some added girth. That fatigue that just won’t go away, and you can’t understand or possibly remember why.