eye health

Sacred Trees: Hawthorn Folklore, Medicine & Food

Hawthorn (Crataegus) is rich in magical lore and medicine. The name Hawthorn reflects the berries (haw) and thorns found on this tree. It’s a small tree with big thorns that will remind you if you’re being too greedy harvesting the flowers, and later in the summer, the berries.  


Superfood 101: Tapereba (Hog Plum)!

Tapereba is a member of the family Anacardiaceae or Sumac family of the genus Spondias L. or mombin, containing the species Spondias mombin L. or yellow mombin. The tree is native to tropical America and grows throughout the tropical regions of the world. It is a tropical plant that does well in warm climates and does not tolerate frost. It is also known by the nomenclatures Yellow Mombin and Spondias mombin.

Superfood 101: Guava!

Guava is a member of the family Myrtaceae, commonly known as the Myrtle family of the genus Psidium L. or guava P, containing the species Psidium guajava L. or guava P. The plant is thought to be native to Mexico and Central America but it is not certain because of the widespread and longtime seed disbursement by man and animals.

Superfood 101: Gulupa!

Gulupa is a member of the family Passifloraceae or Passion-flower family of the genus Passiflora L., commonly known as passionflower P, containing the species Passiflora edulis Sims or purple granadilla P. The plant is native to Brazil and flourishes in tropical America. It is also known as purple passion fruit, chulupa, and galupa culupo.

Superfood 101: Endive!

Endive is a member of the family Asteraceae, commonly known as the Aster family of the genus Cichorium L. or chicory P that contains two species that include cultivated endive P and chicory P. The plant has three main varieties: the Belgium endive, the curly endive, and the broad leaf endive. It is native to Asia Minor but is now found growing in North America and Europe.

Superfood 101: Chard!

Chard is in the family Chenopodiaceae, commonly known as the goosefoot family, in the genus Beta L. or beet P. This genus contains ten species of beets and two subspecies, one of which is chard, scientifically known as Beta vulgaris L. ssp. cicla (L.) W.D.J. Koch or chard P.

Superfood: Apricots & Their Amazing Health Benefits

Apricots are a member of the family Rosaceae, commonly known as the Rose family of the genus Prunus L. or plum P. Its species names is Prunus armeniaca L. or apricot P. The nomenclature apricot is said to be derived from the Italian word “albercocco.” The fruit is considered a dupe and is related to the cherry, plum, nectarine, peach, and almond.

Superfoods 101: Passion Fruit’s Many Health Benefits

Passion fruit is a member of the family of Passifloraceae in the genus Passiflora and is native to the wild regions of subtropical South America. It was introduced in Hawaii and Australia but succumbed to viruses and could not be sustained as a commercial crop in either region.

Superfood 101: Persimmons!

Persimmons are in the family Ebenaceae, commonly known as the Ebony family in the genus Diospyros L. Of the seventeen species, only two are native to America: the Diospyros virginiana L, also known as the common persimmon P; and the Diospyros texana Scheele, commonly known as the Texas persimmon P.

Superfood 101: Turnips!

Turnips are a member of the family Brassicaceae, also known as the mustard family. Native to Europe and found in colder climates, turnips have been a staple food since prehistory.  They were also used for livestock fodder since the 14th century and in modern agriculture they are planted in fields for grazing animals.