
Savoring The Silence: 7 Ways To Enjoy The Quiet

Everyday life can be noisy. Taking time away from all the chatter and clatter is very good for one's mental state. It helps you calm your thoughts and connect with yourself on a deeper level. Here are seven ways to savor the silence.

Page Turners: Holistic Book Reviews - [The Life Changing Magic Of Tidying Up By Marie Kondo]

I’ve always had a compulsion to rid my closet of excess materials–clothing that has never been worn, books that have never been read, and papers that don’t provide any value – emotional, informational, or otherwise. While friends and family continued to collect clutter, I remained baffled at how they could sleep at night with messy bedrooms, kitchen cupboards so full they couldn't close, and desk drawers stuffed with random gadgets and trinkets that would never be touched again. Over the years, I believed myself to be the odd one out, forever plagued with a compulsion to clean.

3 Ways to Make Self-Care a Priority This Holiday Season

As the winter holidays quickly approach, many people may experience a mixture of excitement, anxiety, anticipation, and sadness, along with many other emotional states that come and go. Holiday rituals and the changing of the seasons can bring both celebration and introspection. We may enjoy spending time with loved ones, decorating, spiritual practices, or shopping, and we may also be grieving losses, evaluating the year behind us, and planning for changes to come. Hopefully, as we all go through our own unique holiday experiences, we can make self-care a priority.

Mother Earth’s Medicine Cabinet: Healing In The Great Outdoors

There is just something about the great outdoors that makes us feel alive. The fresh air, flowing water, and life everywhere.

There is so much more to Mother Earth’s medicine than just the plants provided. If I were a doctor I would fill out prescriptions for camping trips and outdoor events. Two of the most important things doctors will tell you is to get a lot of fresh air and to drink plenty of water, but that’s simply the beginning of it. The healing goes as deep as a tree’s roots travel and flows much like a steady river.

Relaxing your Brain Waves through Meditation

Things move fast during the course of a day, and sometimes you can barely stop to take a breath. Meditation is a surefire way to relieve some of these stressful moments, and it has many healthful benefits, too.

5 Ways To Squeeze In "Me" Time

Jobs, family, relationships, and social functions often tend to take precedence over our own needs. It is easy to get wrapped up in the day-to-day demands of life. Whether we feel a sense of obligation or not, the day can slip away without time to ourselves. It's those days that leave us open to stress, anxiety, and a loss of sense of self. That is why it is important to squeeze a little bit of “me time” into our daily routine. Whether it be five minutes or five hours, the following five are ways you can break away and take precedence over your day.

Emanating Earth: A Short Story

Going into the woods makes me feel alive. I don’t know if it is because nature is so full of life or if it is the connection that exists between raw nature and ourselves. It is very difficult for a lot of people to walk through the woods and stay angry. I believe that’s because in a natural environment, more often than not, it is peaceful and serene.