
October 24 Full Moon Brings Enlightenment & Resolution

The gateway will open to radical, transformative change at the Full Moon on October 24!

The Sun in transformational Scorpio, opposite radical Uranus in Taurus, conjoining the Full Moon in Taurus, is a recipe for life-altering events at this upcoming Full Moon. It will be a time when people will precipitously and powerfully express their deeply held feelings and thoughts. Actions may be sudden and unexpected—and they will be strong!

Vedic Astrology For Sep 23-29: Sun, Saturn, Libra & Perception Vs. Reality

Planetary Transits & Cosmic Interplay for the week of Sep 23–29

Vedic Astrology For Sep 9-15: Jupiter, Venus & The Risk Of Overindulgence

Planetary Transits & Cosmic Interplay for the week of Sep 9–15

July Lunar Eclipse: Dance Of The Cosmos

This week is a very special week as it contains the total lunar eclipse which will occur on the evening of Friday July 27 and/or early Saturday July 28 as it is only visible at night time.  This is because the Moon is what is being eclipsed and since the Moon is full it only rises after sunset.  Before we dive further into exploring this eclipse, let’s discuss what an eclipse is and how it comes to be.

Intro To Hindu Deities: Shiva The Great Destroyer & Creator


In the name of the aspect of the divine within, which is both destructive and regenerative, all-seeing and ever-present, we say Blessings and with deep resonance, we activate this attribute for the good of all.

Intro to Hindu Deities: Brahma the Creator

On several different journeys, I spent weeks in the small Northwestern desert town of Pushkar, India, melting into the deeply spiritual and mystical feeling of the place. I learned while visiting that one of the only “living” Brahma temples exists there, next to the small, beautiful reflective lake sitting as the focal point of the entire village.

Essential Oils For Consciousness: Orange And Abundance

Have you ever stood in the middle of an orange orchard and breathed in the sweet, heady fragrance of oranges ripe for the picking? It is truly one of the most incredible experiences I have ever had. It could be nothing less than the scent of abundance filling the air, reminding my cells that they are not limited to what I put into my mouth, but that every part of my being can, at any time, access the Supreme Source of All that Is.

When you hear the word "abundance" what do you think of? 

Money? Wealth? Riches? Freedom