
Navigating Changes & Challenges With Grace

Change can be difficult, especially when it is caused by a sudden trauma, loss, or even just an unexpected change in life's normal pace. As impermanent as everything in life is, humans do seem to have a natural instinct to seek out stability and order—and to blame ourselves when things become chaotic. Fear and even PTSD can rear its ugly head and take over—and we can find ourselves in a reactive state, violently treading water, just to stay afloat.

7 Ways To Reframe Your Resolutions (& Keep Them)

With jingling bells at every corner and cheery lights decking every store, December is a truly happy month. Add to that hot soups, eggnog, cakes and pies, and shopping by the dozen, and you get a season that can make you joyful inside and out.

Inevitable Dreams

I have big dreams for myself and the world. I want social and economic justice for all. I want to live in a place where racism is eradicated, poverty is eliminated, and everyone has their basic needs met. Even typing that sentence I want to laugh because it seems ludicrous. I want to pat myself on the head condescendingly and say, “That’s great Rebekah. You keep having those dreams. I’ll be over here in the real world while you live in fantasy land.”