
Your Guide To Summer Flowers: Periwinkle

Periwinkles are a member of the family Apocynaceae, commonly known as the Dogbane family that contains two genii Catharanthus G. Don or periwinkle P which contains one species Catharanthus roseus (L.) G. Don or Madagascar periwinkle P and Vinca L. or periwinkle P that has three species Vinca herbacea Waldst. & Kit. or herbaceous periwinkle P, Vinca major L. or big leaf periwinkle P and Vinca minor L.

Superfood 101: Rambutan!

Rambutan is a member of the family Sapindaceae or Soapberry family of the genus Nephelium L. or nephelium P. There are 124 listed species of which four are accepted but are not listed in the United States Department of Agriculture (USDA) classification.

Superfood 101: Tamarind!

Tamarind is a member of the family Fabaceae ⁄ Leguminosae or Pea family of the genus Tamarindus L., commonly known as tamarind, containing the species Tamarindus indica L. or tamarind. The tree is native to Africa and was introduced to southern Asia in 2000 B.C.E. and arrived in the Americas in the 16th century.

Superfood 101: Jaboticaba!

Jaboticaba is a member of the family yrtaceae or Myrtle family of the genus Myrciaria Berg, also known as guava berry, containing the species Myrciaria cauliflora (Mart.) O. Berg or jaboticaba. The plant is native to Brazil and is also known as the Brazilian grape tree. For millennia the native peoples used jaboticaba as a snack and for making wine. Its nutritional value has made this fruit a valuable tool in their healing arsenal.

Superfood 101: Acerola (Barbados Cherry)!

Acerola is a member of the Family Malpighiaceae or Barbados Cherry family of the genus Malpighia L., commonly known as malpighia P, containing eight species. It has several other common nomenclatures that include Barbados Cherry, West Indian Cherry, cereza, cerisier, and semeruco.

Superfood 101: Pitanga (Surinam Cherry)!

Pitanga is a member of the family Myrtaceae or Myrtle family of the genus Eugenia L., also known as stopper P, containing the species Eugenia uniflora L., commonly named Surinam cherry P. The plant is native to the tropical regions of South America and was brought to India from Brazil by the Portuguese. It is also known as Surinam cherry.

Superfood 101: Acai!

Acai berries are a member of the family Arecaceae or Palm family of the genus Euterpe Mart., commonly known as palm P, containing the species Euterpe oleracea Mart. or Assai palm P. The plant is native to the Amazon jungle and the people of the area have used the berries for medicinal purposes for millennia.

Superfood 101: Carambola (Star Fruit)!

Carambola is a member of the family Oxalidaceae or Wood-Sorrel family of the genus Averrhoa Adans, also known as averrhoa P, containing the species Averrhoa carambola L. or carambola P. The plant is known in the United States as star fruit. The nomenclature carambola was a Portuguese interpretation of the Sanskrit word for the fruit “karmaranga” which means “food appetizer.”

Superfood 101: Guava!

Guava is a member of the family Myrtaceae, commonly known as the Myrtle family of the genus Psidium L. or guava P, containing the species Psidium guajava L. or guava P. The plant is thought to be native to Mexico and Central America but it is not certain because of the widespread and longtime seed disbursement by man and animals.

Vedic Astrology For Feb 24-Mar 2: Learning From Longing

Each Zodiac sign has another sign opposite of it and these two signs represent one axis.  You could liken it to an axle that has two wheels attached at each end.  Each wheel represents an opposite end of a polarity of the axis.  This is a proper metaphor in astrology for understanding the psychology, paradigm, and circumstances that are indicated by the two opposing signs of an axis.