
Using Code Words For Better Communication With Your Partner

Do you have the same fight with your spouse over the same topic over and over? You might be fighting about the fact that he always tells a solution when you just want to complain and vent. Or she counters every fight with that one time that she took care of you while you were sick. Maybe it is something as simple as an annoying tick that your partner has and it irritates you to the point of an argument.


Signs You’re In A Recurring Argument

How do you know if you’re in a recurring argument? Signs that you are in a recurring argument:


7 Ways To Reframe Your Resolutions (& Keep Them)

With jingling bells at every corner and cheery lights decking every store, December is a truly happy month. Add to that hot soups, eggnog, cakes and pies, and shopping by the dozen, and you get a season that can make you joyful inside and out.

How To Pick Your Battles

In our polarized times, it seems that almost everything is a cause for outrage. Things that used to be discussions now turn into full-on arguments and it can be tempting to rant about politics, sports, and other important or menial subjects. We must never lose sight of what’s important. It’s easy to get angry or let your emotions get the best of you, but this isn’t always the best approach. Here are some helpful strategies to help you decrease your likelihood of becoming entangled in unproductive arguments.