7 Global Wellness Trends To Watch In 2017

Last fall, at the Global Wellness Summit (GWS) in Austria, more than 500 wellness experts from 46 countries gathered to discuss the direction of wellness programming in 2017 and beyond. From that, GWS researchers put together a 50-page report that highlights these seven wellness trends expected to take off this year.

Healthier Food Hacks for a Healthier 2017

In this New Year, a lot of people plan to become a healthier bunch, and the best way to do that is through the food they eat. Exercise is incredibly important, but diet may play an even larger role in determining how healthy you are and can be. With a little help from some inspirational tips, you can easily trick yourself into becoming accustomed to leading and loving a healthier, more fulfilling lifestyle.

Lucky Plants for the New Year

Whether it’s Feng Shui or just plain ol’ luck, starting the New Year on a positive note manages to put you in a luckier frame of mind. So here is a list of seven plants to put in your garden or home that are known to bring luck. And even if they don’t bring luck, remember that plants always bring in positivity, fragrance and oxygen; and gardening brings you plenty health benefits too.

The Positive News of 2016


Very dismal news came through in October that the Great Barrier Reef had suffered mass bleaching and a major part of it had died. This led environmental writer Rowan Jacobsen to publish an obituary, “The Great Barrier Reef of Australia passed away in 2016 after a long illness. It was 25 million years old." But there’s still hope, and these positive news stories form 2016 certainly prove it right!

7 Ways to Help the Earth in 2017

There are many areas, beings, and aspects of our Earth that need care and protection from the harmful effects of human civilization. Luckily, there are numerous ways each of us can help out the Earth in 2017:    

1. Engage with Your Local Environmental Organizations

Body Positive Resolutions For 2017

Body positive. We’ve heard this term being bandied about for the past few years, and 2016 was no different. Though we’ve heard reed-thin models gushing about body acceptance and famous (and drop-dead gorgeous) celebrities blathering about accepting your true self – what is exactly does it mean to be not conventionally good looking and still being body positive? It’s easy for the rich and famous to say these things, for they fit into the mold of society’s definition of beauty. But what about us mere mortals? With our jowly chins and jiggly bellies, not so great skin or too tall a height?

Tips for Keeping Your New Year’s Resolution

With a farewell to all that is 2016, it’s time to give a warm welcome to 2017. What better way to embrace the New Year than with a New Year’s resolution? Whether you’re looking to shed those extra pounds you’ve been carrying around, or kick that nicotine addiction, now is the time to do it. Truthfully, I haven’t even bothered with New Year’s resolutions, or Lent (oops), lately, but that’s about to change.