
Meet The Weeds: Chickweed As Food & Medicine

Chickweed (Stellaria media) is an often-overlooked medicinal weed (or, it’s a weed if you don’t live in Europe or Asia).  “Stellaria” refers to flower appearance while “Chickweed” refers to the fact that chickens and other birds like to eat it.  

Meet The Weeds: Shepherd’s Purse As Food & Medicine

Shepherd’s Purse (Capsella bursa-pastoris), is a common weed in the Mustard family. It is not native to North America, but was introduced by Europeans and has since naturalized to all states in the U.S. and provinces in Canada. Shepherd’s Purse is common along trails, sidewalks and roads; in disturbed areas; in lawns; and as a volunteer in gardens.

4 Common Weeds You Should Be Harvesting

It’s hard not to respect the common weeds of the World; while some might see them as bothersome invasives that homogenize landscapes (and they’re not wrong!), weeds are the most successful plants in the World, establishing colonies as easily in Alaska as in India.