
Keep Your Clothes Sustainable: Build An Eco-Friendly Wardrobe

Did you know most of the clothes we wear contain some form of plastic in them? Whether it be polyester or nylon, your clothes have a high chance of being made out of plastic. You might be wondering why plastic in your clothes matters. That's a good question, and there are several reasons it matters.

Fruit Tattoos: The Sustainable Way To Label Produce

I'm sure many of you are familiar with those annoying stickers on fresh produce. Well guess what? They might not be around for much longer. Because more and more people are speaking out about how wasteful they are (those stickers can't be recycled, after all), they might just be replaced with tattoos. You heard me: Fruit tattoos. While these are not designed to be aesthetically pleasing, like tattoos humans get, they would be designed for functionality.  

Crazy For Crickets?

Protein powder has been controversial in the past few years, not necessarily because of what it does—provide a solid dose of protein for post-workout nutrition or those who struggle to get in adequate amounts for various reasons—but because of how it’s made and, more specifically, what it’s made from. 

5 Ways to Go Natural and Help The Environment

Want to make an impact on the earth but don't know how? It might be easier than you think. See, back when I first started learning about the environmental stress our world is under, I felt overwhelmed. I wanted to do everything I could to help the environment, but didn't know where to start. After all, there are so many problems to address: Pollution, harmful chemicals, endangered species, and pesticides are just a few. That said, there are ways you can help the earth without losing your marbles. Here are five easy ways to start living a more natural, eco-friendly lifestyle.

What's A Food Co-Op?

For those of you who are curious about these food co-ops that you see popping up, you should know that these grocery stores with a twist are called food cooperatives for a good reason—they’re all about cooperation. Food co-ops thrive in communities that are interested in working together for the common good.

Waste Not: 10 Uses for Mushy Fruits

Let’s start with a few harsh facts. According to the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations, if just one-fourth of the food currently wasted or lost globally could be saved, it would be enough to feed 870 million people in the world. Frankly, when so much of the world is hungry, undernourished, underfed and starving – food wastage is a crime in itself.