
6 Holistic Ways To Heal A Broken Bone Faster

If you've broken a bone, you know how distressing it can be. No doubt you want to return to your normal activities as quickly as possible. Are there any holistic ways to help a broken bone along?

While time remains the best healer for fractures, adopting certain healthy habits can speed up the recovery process. The following six tips may help you get back in the game as soon as possible.


How To Start Exercising—No Matter Your Fitness

As humans, we need movement: exercise keeps our cardiovascular system healthy, keeps our bones strong, improves our blood circulation, and can even lower our risk for certain diseases.

Finding Your Personal Power

When you think of a powerful being, do you think of yourself?

Why or why not is that, do you suppose?

Often times, when we ruminate on personal power, we may think of an archetypical superhero dressed up in their costume, ready to save the day.

Or perhaps we envision a famous celebrity, who seemingly has the world at their fingertips. It seems that our society has bred us to look externally at other people and things to feel a sense of power.

Sun Salutations Make The Healthiest Yoga Routine

One of my favorite exercise routines is doing Surya Namaskars (sun salutations). Each Surya Namaskar makes you stretch and use muscles you didn’t even know you possessed and more than that—it regulates your body processes at an elemental level, unlike any other exercise. I began with barely managing to do 12 a day but now do 32 in one go. And I plan to increase it as I go along. So here go my reasons for doing the Surya Namaskar, and why you should get on the sun salutation bandwagon too.

Try Tai Chi For Balance And Flexibility

Many of us work with computers or other types of equipment that keep us sitting or in another single body position for much of the day. If this is the case in your life, you are likely well aware of the physical discomfort this can cause due to sore and tight muscles.

BCAAs: Do You Need Them?

Are you trying to gain strength in the gym, on the mat, on the wall, or on the trail without supplementing with BCAAs? You might be inadvertently doing your body a disservice.

Ride A Horse, Reap The Benefits

I was three years old the first time I sat upon a horse and five years old when I was given a pony of my own. Rosa, a miniature pony/Shetland cross was eager to please as I learned to brush her mane, curry her soft sides, and pick her hooves. I loved caring for her, and especially loved getting to ride her in the riding arena or along the dirt track at our farm. It turns out that I wasn’t just having a good time, but actually receiving benefits that have likely lasted into adulthood. Have you ever wondered why anyone would sit upon a horse?

What Is Turiya And How Can You Get There?

I was first introduced to the concept of Turiya when studying and practicing yoga nidra at yoga school in India. It was described to me as a fourth state of consciousness, which encompassed the three most familiar: the unconscious, the subconscious, and the conscious mind.

How to Practice Yoga: A Guide for Runners

Certain activities might not seem compatible with yoga–heavy lifting, for example, or scuba diving–but yoga can help athletes of almost any sport improve their strength, flexibility, and mobility. Running, on the other hand, seems made for yoga. Runners don’t necessarily need the limberness of a gymnast, or the flexibility of a performer in Cirque de Soleil, but running does require enough flexibility and mobility to prevent injuries.