
Feed Your Freezer: 5 Fresh Garden Foods To Freeze This Summer

Garden fresh flavors never last quite long enough. The growing season comes and goes in a flash, and mid-winter cravings for the freshness of some fresh, lively flavors can be painfully unquenchable. Prolong delightful summer flavors from the garden by making any of these freezer-friendly recipes. Feed your belly first…and then feed your freezer! Your winter belly will thank you down the road.


How To Prepare For A Hurricane

With Hurricane Harvey and Hurricane Irma's recent devastation across the southern U.S., it's a good reminder that it’s important to prepare for the worst. No one wants to be hit by a hurricane, but being unprepared can seriously hurt you. You may not believe that the hurricane will hit at all, but it's always better to be safe than sorry. While this guide cannot guarantee your safety, it can surely help you in making smart decisions.

Be Prepared For A Natural Disaster

If a natural disaster were to hit in your community or near your home, would you be prepared? Would you be able to survive without power, water, heat, or air conditioning? Do you have a stock of water and food to hold you over for a few days? Including enough for your pets?

5 Ways To Take Your Weekend Hike To The Next Level

A great hike can happen just about anywhere, at any time. It’s a stretch of time to practice a little self-care, show appreciation for nature, and have fun outdoors.