
The Happy Benefits Of Giving

You may have read that giving makes you happy—so here’s how to make it work for you, and why it works in the first place…


Try and remember the last time you felt happy, peaceful, and worthy. What did you do to feel that? Was it when you achieved something or bought something really cool for yourself? Or was it when you gave something to someone—be it your time, a gift, or charity? While it may be the former, chances are it was more of the latter…

Vedic Astrology For February 17-23: Mars Brings the Passion

How apropos that we have Mars entering into the sign of Taurus right around Valentine’s Day.  In Vedic Astrology, we know Taurus to be ruled by the planet Venus.  With the presence of Mars being in Venus’s sign, we have a connection of these two planets.  When we have these two planets connecting their energies, one of the indications is passion.  And what better time for this connection, right?  With that being said, let’s look at why this is the case and get a sense of the bigger picture of Mars and Venus’s connections.


The Happy Benefits Of Giving To Others

You may have read that giving makes you happy—so here’s how to make it work for you, and why it works in the first place…

Try and remember the last time you felt happy, peaceful, and worthy. What did you do to feel that? Was it when you achieved something or bought something really cool for yourself? Or was it when you gave to someone—be it your time, a gift, or charity? While it may be the former, chances are it was more of the latter…

Healing Stones: Inner Child & Heart Healing With Rhodochrosite

What is a Soul Retrieval? This question was posed to a recent Meetup group I attended while we sat around round tables eating delicious raw food cuisine. I offered my perspective of Soul Retrieval in relation to the work I have been doing over the past few years using The Emotion Code, a technique developed through Dr. Bradley Nelson to detect and release trapped emotions.

The Down & Dirty Truths About Soulmates

Soulmates. Individuals destined to be together, forever. Twin flames.

Whatever you call it, the idea of soulmates brings to mind a powerful and perfect union where love flows freely and the feeling of true union is ever-present.

Pisces New Moon: Breaking Through Our Limitations Using Imagination & Creativity

Pisces New Moon –  March 17, 2018 

A New Moon is a time to set intentions for what we’d like to see come to fruition by the time of the Full Moon. Having a better understanding of the luminary and planetary energies allows us to make better choices and helps ensure that our actions will provide the positive results we are looking for.

What's a Life Coach and Why Do You Need One?

If you’ve never trained to run a marathon, you’re probably going to need a coach to learn how; likewise for learning how to swim, dancing ballet, trying gymnastics, or even dealing with finances. Why, then, don’t you have a coach for the biggest challenge of them all–life? Life coaches might sound like a gimmick but are rooted in a solid understanding of possessing a certain amount of experience or education.

5 Questions To Ask Yourself to Find the Right Career

The path to self-fulfillment does pass by your choice of career. Here are some tips on how to choose the right career for you...

Weekly Astrological Forecast: October 23 - 29, 2016

The Karmic Tools Weekly Forecast covers the current planetary transits which affect people in different ways and to various degrees of intensity.  Take notice when it is a Personal planet (Sun / Moon / Mercury / Venus / Mars) interacting with a Social (Jupiter/Saturn) or Collective planet (Uranus / Neptune/Pluto).  And pay extremely close attention when it is a Social planet interacting with a Collective planet because that means something *big* is brewing that will move large groups of people along their evolutionary paths. Tun

Moving Outside – Outside the City, Outside the Box

Ever since I can remember I have been a contrarian. My grandmother used to call me, “Contrary Canary” and I assure you, I earned that title. In hindsight, while I struggled between being contrary for contrary’s sake and being agreeable for likeableness’ sake, one thing I have realized as I have gotten older is that they both are important but like all things, timing is everything when it comes to their application. Agreeableness, like similarity or commonality, is a binding from ourselves to another. Often, it is what we have in common that brings us together and helps us get along.