
Birthstone Series: Clarify & Focus With Carnelian & Quartz For Virgo

With the sun moving through the constellation of Virgo we are influenced by the element of earth and Virgo’s strong organizational and precise way of viewing the world. In order to more easily connect to what Virgo offers, both the clear quartz crystal as well as the carnelian stone can help offer both heightened precision as well as grounding support for the month.

A 10-Step Plan towards Healthier Eating

If you are trying to get healthier, inside out, the first thing you need to focus on is home-cooked meals. It's important to get organized well enough to be able to cook those healthy meals at home. Here’s some help…

How To Stop Work Stress In Its Tracks

We all bring baggage home from work. Sometimes it’s the day’s tiredness; sometimes it’s work that has to be finished. Mostly it’s stress—disguised as anger, impatience, and sometimes just plain old meanness.

Page Turners: Holistic Book Reviews - [The Life Changing Magic Of Tidying Up By Marie Kondo]

I’ve always had a compulsion to rid my closet of excess materials–clothing that has never been worn, books that have never been read, and papers that don’t provide any value – emotional, informational, or otherwise. While friends and family continued to collect clutter, I remained baffled at how they could sleep at night with messy bedrooms, kitchen cupboards so full they couldn't close, and desk drawers stuffed with random gadgets and trinkets that would never be touched again. Over the years, I believed myself to be the odd one out, forever plagued with a compulsion to clean.

How To Declutter

We live in a world where we are bombarded with marketing and advertising that promise us the hopes and dreams of an amazing life, if we just had _________ (insert whatever that may be here).