organic home gardening

Organic Home Garden Series: 11 Essential Tips For The Summer Gardener

Most people think plants love summer – but that’s not exactly true.  Summer can mean more bugs, too much sun, too little water, and too high heat, and some plants handle these hurdles a little better than others.  Even for plants that don’t thrive in the throes of summer, there are things you, the gardener, can do to help them get through the heat.  Here’s a list of 11 essential tips for every summer gardener.

Tip 1: Place birdbaths throughout your garden.

Organic Home Gardening Series: 10 Plants For Healing Contaminated Soil

Have you tested your soil only to find it contaminated with chemical or heavy metals? Paying for cleanup can be super expensive. One cheaper yet effective natural method for dealing with this challenge is by growing plants that work to remove specific undesired elements from your soil.

Check out these 10 plants to heal your contaminated soil!

Bonsai Fruit Trees: Tips For Planting & Growing

For all those who wanted to have a fruit tree, but have no land to plant the seed in -- pot a bonsai instead…

Fruiting trees are marvelous creations of nature. They are rather attractive, come in all shapes and sizes, add to the oxygen content around, offer up delicious fruits and bloom into beautifully scented flowers that really add to a fragrant garden.

Organic Home Gardening Series: 9 Plants to Grow For Your Cat's Garden

People are not the only ones who can benefit from plants! Did you know that certain plants are pleasant to furry felines -- and some are actually good for them? Cats are naturally drawn to varieties of vegetation, which can help provide them with essential nutrients, vitamins, oral health, and more. So, whether you are a cat lover or a cat owner, check out these 9 plants that are great to grow for cats.

1.      Catnip

Organic Home Garden Series: 7 Basic Steps For Seed Sprouting

Sprouting seeds is a smart and healthy way to use up any leftover seeds you may have from your garden. Sprouted seeds have been recorded as being consumed and grown over many centuries. Not only does sprouting seeds provide a quick way to grow and provide fresh vegetables, but it also allows for a way for food to be grown indoors during the cold weather.

Organic Home Garden Series: How To Use Cow Manure In Your Garden

In ancient practices, certain Ayurvedic medicines called bhasmas or paks could only be made on the fire of cow dung cakes. During this time, cows were left free to roam in forest meadows where they ate sweet grass, gave nutritious milk and their dung fertilized the forest further. While the same might not hold true today, cow dung – when composted – makes great slow-release manure for your garden and backyard.

Organic Home Garden Series: 10 Ideas To Connect Your Garden & Community

Running an organic, sustainable garden is not easy to do solo, especially when you have a larger garden with plenty enough to tend to.  Having support and assistance from others within your community can really lend a helping hand, and there are often people within communities who could truly benefit from gardens.  For those looking for ideas on how to gain gardening support within your community, check out these 10 ideas for connecting your garden with your community.

1.      Give and Share

Organic Home Gardening Series: 7 Plants That Naturally Feed Birds In Winter

Winter can be a beautiful time to connect with nature and watch birds forage for food. Something that has become particularly popular nowadays is using bird feeders to help give birds access to food through the winter. There are studies still being conducted on the effects that personal feeders have on the bird population, so it has not been fully concluded in research whether they are harmful or not. With that being said, the more sustainable route seems to always be the best way to go. This can be accomplished by growing plants that produce bird-food during the cold season.

Organic Home Garden Series: 7 Tips for Storing Seeds Effectively

Knowing how to save seeds will help you garden more effectively and sustainably. Seeds that have been stored appropriately not only germinate better, they also last longer, too. Whether you are saving your seeds for short- or long-term use, it is always a good idea to know a few things about storing and maximizing your seed storage life. With this in mind, I’ve provided 7 tips that will help you store seeds effectively.