
Celebrate Your Birthday To Celebrate You—28 Alternative Ways To Spend Your Birthday

After, oh, roughly the age of 21, birthdays get a little less exciting for a lot of people.  Instead of counting down to your birthday, you might find it sneaking up on you, leaving you no time to plan any kind of celebration.  Or maybe as an adult, you’re stuck working on your birthday and don’t feel up to making a whole day of it—or even an evening.  In this global age, perhaps you’re living far away from most of your loved ones or a recent transplant to a new city without a large local social network.  Some of us are watching our wallets and want to celebrate our big

How Living Abroad Boosts Your Productivity & Motivation

If you’re like most of us, you probably feel that your work habits and productivity are not near their full potential. Whether it’s a lack of motivation, boredom with your tasks, a feeling of mental/emotional depletion, or just struggling with time management—we all get to a place in our work lives where we feel somewhat stuck. Many successful people have overcome this—or avoided it completely in the first place—by moving to another country…preferably as far away as possible.

Living Off The Grid: 7 Ways To Give Back To The Land

As humans, we have a tendency to consume, discard, and repeat. Too much taking without giving back can (and does) reap dire consequences. For instance, cutting down a forest full of trees for lumber without planting new trees can cause major soil erosion, and it takes away from the animal habitat.

Today I'd like to share with you 7 ways you can give back to the Earth and the environment. We live in a massive circle of life and when we are given such bountiful gifts of love and life it is wise to keep that circle moving.  Here’s how you can do your part:

10 Best Bathroom Plants

Think your bathroom could use a touch of green? Try adding some plants! In addition to being a great element of decoration, some indoor plants can help improve the air quality and freshen up bathroom spaces. Not only that, having indoor plants around is said to help reduce stress levels and evoke feelings of calmness, which is definitely appropriate for this particular setting.

Living Off The Grid: Nature's Playground

Living life off the grid can keep you busy with so much that has to be done, but there’s far more to the whole experience than just working. I personally love the life in the woods and think it’s amazing. But more often than not I talk about the work aspects within the walls of this series.  Today, I want to talk about the ways in which living off grid is fun, and can help connect you with nature.

The Mindfulness of Time

I remember this line from What’s Eating Gilbert Grape once in a while. The young character of Arnie, played by a 19-year-old Leonardo DiCaprio, is mentally disabled, but in a moment of innocent clarity, he cheerfully proclaims that “I can go any time you know.”

So true.

Any one of us, right this moment, could die.
