Ayurveda 101: Doshas + Circadian Rhythm
By now in this Ayurveda 101 series, we’ve developed a deep understanding of the Mahabhutas, their archetypal qualities, and how they show in every single aspect of our lives.
By now in this Ayurveda 101 series, we’ve developed a deep understanding of the Mahabhutas, their archetypal qualities, and how they show in every single aspect of our lives.
Have you ever noticed that you find yourself drawn to one particular season over another?
Perhaps you are a chaser of the sun and avoid cold climates at all cost. Maybe you are more of the snow bunny type and become irritably uncomfortable with higher temperatures and humidity. Or perhaps overcast, rainy days are your jam.
In this article, we explore how to use food as medicine to harmonize doshic imbalances in the body and stimulate optimal digestion.
They say pets are like a mirror image of the owner. So a well-balanced pooch means a well-balanced you. Taking care of your dog’s health can be as simple as first getting to know his dosha…
Our own five senses—the “gateways to healing,” as they are referred to in Ayurveda—are very powerful tools for promoting health and wellbeing. They allow us to use everything around us as medicine.
This week, we’ll dive into the world of Sound. (We previously looked at Sight.)
We’ve developed an incredible foundational knowledge of the building blocks of life, the mind/body characteristics of the three doshas, and the empowered choice-making that is available to us through this ancient system of health and healing. Now it’s time to explore exactly how to apply Ayurvedic principles and practices in real time.
Ayurveda teaches that we have exclusive, 24/7 access to five distinct Gateways to Healing—also known as our five senses.
The Ayurvedic philosophy of mind/body constitutions can be likened to a divine trinity. The limitless potential and creativity of Vata and the focused drive and charisma of Pitta are joined by the third and final Dosha to create a necessary sacred harmony.
Ayurveda is an ancient system for holistic healing. This 5,000-year-old mind-body medicine of India translates to “the science of life.” It is rooted in the laws of nature and so it follows the ebb and flow of change, much like the seasons. There are three primary energies that circulate in the body and the world at large.