Make Your Yard A Hummingbird Hangout - Free Minibook!
Would you like to turn your yard or garden into a haven for hummingbirds? Learn how to create the perfect welcoming environment for these enchanting little birds with this booklet!
- what flowers to plant
- how to be a reliable source of food for them
- how to help them find your yard
- other things that hummingbirds need!
Attract Hummingbirds With These Plants
Are you looking to attract hummingbirds to your yard or garden? It’s a good idea! Not only are they fun to watch, but they’re also pollinators: as they stick their long skinny beaks into flower after flower, they’re doing the same work as bees, butterflies, and other insects that pollinate plants (and we know how important pollination is). Make a conscious effort to invite these tiny birds into your space by planting some of their favorite flowers and plants.
1. Echinacea
Why Native Plants Matter + How To Grow Them
Did you know the flowers and vegetation you're growing might be invasive species? Native plants often get overlooked when people design their gardens and lawns, instead opting for popular plants from other regions. This is unfortunate, considering native plants are adapted to local environmental conditions which means they require far less water.
Attracting Birds To Your Backyard Feeder
When my husband and I moved into our new home last month, the first thing we did was hang bird feeders from our deck. Birding is one of my favorite pastimes (bonus: it’s good for you,) and while getting out into nature and seeing birds on the trail is fun, there’s nothing like watching birds flock to your feeders as you nurse a mug of tea or sit down for dinner with the family.