How To Make Your Home Fair Trade Friendly
Fair Trade is a global movement that came to fruition in 1946, after one of the earliest Fair Trade movement stores, Ten Thousand Villages, started buying needlework from Puerto Rico.
Fair Trade is a global movement that came to fruition in 1946, after one of the earliest Fair Trade movement stores, Ten Thousand Villages, started buying needlework from Puerto Rico.
The other day while out shopping with my mom, I spotted a warning on a shower curtain case. It basically said the materials the shower curtain was made from were toxic and linked to cancer and hormone disrupters. I had to do a double take. Did they really just admit to such a thing and then still deem it worthy to put on store shelves? I was totally blown away. It leads me to ask—are shower curtains toxic? The short answer is yes, but here's why and what you need to know.
Want to add a touch of herbalism to your bathroom? Creating some beautiful herb dolls and bath bags is the way to go. An herb doll can be hung on the bathroom wall for decoration and a nice aroma. It's literally herbs attached to a doll's straw hat.
Once crocuses and hyacinths begin to bloom, I’m itching to scrub my floors, vacuum my carpets, and otherwise shed the layer of dust that winter has brought. It’s spring cleaning time!
The products you use in your home matter. Even if you live a fairly healthy lifestyle (vegan, dairy-free, gluten-free, etc.), the products you use can really affect your life. Items we use around the house on the daily (such as cleaning products, hand soap, and plastic) can cause serious health concerns if you're not careful. You might not even be aware they're toxic until it's too late. Prevention is the best medicine though, so here's how to create a non-toxic home you'll be proud of.