healthy choices

8 Tips For A Healthy & Balanced Holiday Season

Holidays and their accompanying celebrations are a wonderful thing.  They usually involve spending lots of time with family and friends and eating lots of delicious food; this holds true across almost all cultures.  Whether you’re celebrating Thanksgiving, Kwanzaa, Passover, or Diwali, chances are there are several traditional dishes included in the festivities.

How To Eat Healthy At Restaurants

When you eat a well-rounded diet of lean protein, healthy fats, fruits, and veggies, you probably notice the benefits. You feel more energized. You build longer and leaner muscles. Your hair and nails may even get stronger and shinier. Sticking to a healthy eating plan when you go out to a restaurant, however, can be tricky.

Dessert For Breakfast: Banana-Applesauce Oatcakes (Gluten-Free)

After ringing in the New Year and rounding out this indulgent season of celebration, January tends to be a time for intention and diligence. Choices made with resolve at the beginning of the year—if done honestly—may be sustained throughout the year to