
Your Guide To Summer Flowers: Periwinkle

Periwinkles are a member of the family Apocynaceae, commonly known as the Dogbane family that contains two genii Catharanthus G. Don or periwinkle P which contains one species Catharanthus roseus (L.) G. Don or Madagascar periwinkle P and Vinca L. or periwinkle P that has three species Vinca herbacea Waldst. & Kit. or herbaceous periwinkle P, Vinca major L. or big leaf periwinkle P and Vinca minor L.

How To Be Your Own Best Friend

Imagine if you had a robot that you could program to be the perfect friend. What would that robot be programed to do? Maybe it would compliment your eyes on a daily basis. The friend robot might pick you up when you fall down and nurse your wound. Maybe this friend robot would cook you elaborate meals and give you a massage afterwards. Let your imagination go wild.

Have you created the perfect friend? 

That robot could be you! What if I told you that your perfect friend has been hiding inside of you this whole time? All you need to do is program yourself!

The 5 Best Wellness Podcasts Right Now

Podcasts are a great way to get much-needed advice when you don’t have the time to do personal research, can’t sit down to read a book, or don’t know where to start. Having trouble in a relationship? Want to learn how to be optimistic? Interested in hearing an inspirational story?

5 Ways To Make Yourself Heard In Your Relationships

In the heat of an argument or confrontation do you stand up for yourself and make your voice heard or do you feel like you are on the defensive, the victim, and fail to assert yourself, fully communicating the message you want to convey?

Always With Us

I have a lot of fears. Most of them centering around physical safety. For much of life, I’ve tried to inoculate myself from danger by either not engaging, or by believing terrible things wouldn’t happen to me because I’m protected by my higher power. A few years ago, I was hit by a car as a pedestrian and that viewpoint shattered. It was a horrible time that shook me to my core. I realized being a woman of faith doesn’t mean I’ll escape all harm. Rather, it means regardless of what happens there is always a loving force with me.

Holding Space: How To (Really) Help Someone Grow

Change, even when improvement, can be scary.  Humans thrive in love. It is the lack thereof that stimulates the motivation for behaviors that seem not in alignment with such grace. The most effective and graceful way to foster change in yourself and in others is to hold space for that person (yourself or a loved one). Holding space means providing a “shelter” to explore the changes, rather than forcing the person to change. 

New Year's Resolution (Part 3): Keep Yourself Accountable

You’ve set out with determination and focus to follow-through with your New Year’s resolution. That, in and of itself, is an accomplishment – way to go! Now, how will you ensure that you maintain the same motivation and drive that you currently have as the year progresses? Without an answer to this question, your resolution is, well, not a resolution…

Sister Friends

“ a friendship you get to know the spirit of another person; and your values coincide. Friends may disagree, but not about serious matters. A friend will stand for you when you are no longer able. A woman can say to herself, If I die, I know that my friend, my sister friend will be here to hold up the banner. Now that's very profound.”

In The Middle Of Here And Now: A Big Lesson From a Little Book

I’ve been thinking a great deal, lately, about relationships.  When I use the word ‘relationship,’ I speak to all human connection, and not simply to romance, though what follows in this article, I believe, is as true for lovers as it is for friends. Recently, a person I love has become physically absent in my life.  She’s fine.  I am too.  We are making the best, I should say, of the fact that right now we live in different places.  For the moment, our paths seem to be diverging.  Recently, I went to the Adirondacks to clear my mind, or better said, to st