food journal

Mindful Nutrition: Teaching Kids Mealtime Mindfulness For Healthy Habits

How do we break the epidemic of obesity and disease plaguing the Western world or countries of affluence? That is a very heavy question that could easily incite a heated debate. Various scientists and medical professionals could weigh in with studies that focus on the whole food plant-based diet as promoted in The China Study written by T. Colin Campbell, PhD, and Thomas M. Campbell II and others that subscribe to more moderate diets that favor animal-based protein.

What to Do When Your Weight Loss Stalls

Late this past August, I accidentally found out how much I weighed. Ok, so, what’s the big deal? Well, for the past three years, I had never stepped on a scale, without looking away before the number popped up. I didn’t necessarily feel overweight, and I wasn’t. However, considering my tall stature, I was afraid that the amount of pounds I amounted to would depress me.

Slim Down with Mindful Eating

For so many of us, weight-loss diets rarely work. Stringent, restricted, and sometimes unhealthy, post-holiday crash diets often do more harm than good in the long-run.

Rather than beat yourself up to slim down, the end of January is the perfect time to try making subtle but powerful and lasting changes to your eating by adopting a more mindful approach to your eating. You will enjoy your food more, find increased energy, and see a more gradual but permanent and vibrant change in the way you look, feel, and approach your meals.