
Your Guide To Summer Flowers: Yarrow

Yarrow is a member of the family Asteraceae or Aster family of the genus Achillea L. or yarrow P, containing the species Achillea millefolium L. or common yarrow P. The plant is native to the northern regions of Asia and Europe and was introduced to the Americas by the first settlers.

5 Colorful & Easy-To-Grow Flowers Kids Love

Getting children into the garden at a young age can be a great way to start a lifelong appreciation for the outdoors, nourish oneself with healthy food, and develop a new skill—in this case, growing flowers. Unfortunately, not all flowers are easy to grow and many require wait times that outlast a child’s patience. 

Your Guide To Summer Flowers: Cockscomb

Cockscomb is a member of the family Amaranthaceae, also known as the Amaranth family of the genus Celosia L., commonly known as cock's comb P.

Your Guide To Summer Flowers: Lily

The lily is a member of the family Liliaceae, which contains about 359 genuses with up to 100 species, according to the United States Department of Agriculture. The plant is native to the northern hemisphere that includes North America, Europe, and Asia. Approximately 5000 years ago a tablet found in Sumeria depicted a Persian city surrounded by a field of lilies.

Grow (Or Forage) Your Own Spring Bouquet

For many, spring doesn’t come until the first flowers have bloomed—crocuses that line sidewalks, daffodils that spring up in patches next to highways, and hyacinth that bloom in delicately planted containers—but my favorite way to bring spring inside is with a fresh bouquet.

Your Guide to Summer Flowers: Four O’Clocks

Four o’clocks are of the genus Mirabilis L., species Mirabilis jalapa L. and are also known as Marvel of Peru, where it originated. The Spaniards discovered the plant in the Peruvian Andes in 1540 and exported it to Europe where it became a popular decorative addition in gardens throughout the continent. In warmer climates the four o’clock is a perennial but in cooler climates it is an annual.

Organic Home Garden Series: 7 Sun-Loving Edible Shrubs

Looking for something fun, colorful and edible to add to your home garden this summer? Grow shrubs! Shrubs are woody perennial plants that usually have low branches. They can be grown for more than just landscape décor, and there are several varieties that can withstand the summer heat.

Check out these 7 sun-loving edible shrubs for your summertime garden!