
4 Ways To Let Nature Soothe Your Soul

If you are ever in turmoil, going to nature can help. There, you can find inner peace and love, coming away refreshed. But why is it nature has such a powerful healing effect on us? It's a proven fact spending time outdoors makes us happier. The answer is: We are a part of nature too, and interacting with it truly helps us connect to our truest state of being.

Forest Bathing For Everyone

Have you heard of forest bathing? It doesn’t involve a bath, and doesn’t necessarily need water. Instead, it involves nature, yourself, and time to breathe.

Go Barefoot: The Benefits Of Grounding

Grounding, also known as earthing, is a relatively new idea in the modern world, precisely because it didn’t exist in the past: we were already walking around in our bare feet, whether inside or outside, and the need to reduce electromagnetic currents wasn’t an issue since electronics like cellphones and laptops didn’t exist. Today, however, it isn’t uncommon to find grounding or earthing mats, mattresses, flip flops, sneakers, and even body bands that claim to equalize our bodies to the same energy as the earth.

Why Run, When You Can Walk?

From letting you stop to smell the roses to being an exercise far gentler on your knees and ankles – more and more experts are now advising regular walks rather than punishing runs!

5 Ways To Get Grounded, Fast

Anything from an unbalanced diet to negative thought patterns can cause someone to feel ungrounded. If you are often stuck in your head or regularly eat a low-calorie diet, getting grounded should be a top priority.

Why You Should Start Walking Barefoot

Spending time outside in nature has innumerable benefits—it's relaxing and energizing, and it helps clear your mind and alleviate symptoms of depression as well as ADHD in children and teens. Despite the impressive structures and habitats we've created to live in, work in, and identify with (homes, schools, cities), our DNA says that we belong in the animal kingdom.