Intro To Hindu Deities: Rama & The Perfect Human
Rama is my new favorite Hindu deity to love. If you read up on Rama online you will see that he is depicted as the ultimate embodiment of truth, virtue, chivalry, honor—the “perfect human” so to speak.
Intro To Hindu Deities: Kali The Divine Feminine Rage
There has never been a more alive time to know Kali than now, during what Vedic texts and other ancient scriptures deem the Kali Yuga—or era of Kali, era of Vice—which is what the current 1000 years we are in is called. Kali is the fierce and Dark aspect of the Divine Feminine who is comfortable with her rage, using it to call forth great change and destroy all that no longer serves.
Intro To Hindu Deities: Lakshmi & Divine Abundance
Om Shreem MahaLakshmiyah Swaha
Praises to name of the Great Mother of both spiritual and material wealth which lives inside our consciousness. May we, in this moment, access the birthright of abundance which is ours. And so it is.
Intro To Hindu Deities: Vishnu The Preserver
I stood atop the first Vishnu temple I’d ever encountered in India, in the south, in Madurai. Upon entering the temple I was greeted by a priest who offered me leaves of tulsi and a few sugar cubes as an offering. I soon made my way up to the roof of the temple, after peering into the sanctuary. Though the inside was where worshippers gathered to “see the divine,” it was on the roof where I first encountered what I would call “Vishnu Consciousness” in me.
Intro To Hindu Deities: Saraswati, Divine Mother of Art, Music & Wisdom
From the chaos of the creative impulse came the birth of the Devi goddess of all—Saraswati. She is the Mother of art, music, wisdom, and knowledge.
Intro to Hindu Deities: Brahma the Creator
On several different journeys, I spent weeks in the small Northwestern desert town of Pushkar, India, melting into the deeply spiritual and mystical feeling of the place. I learned while visiting that one of the only “living” Brahma temples exists there, next to the small, beautiful reflective lake sitting as the focal point of the entire village.