
Make Your Home Guest-Ready In 7 Steps (In Less Than An Hour)

Do you have guests coming over in an hour?  Or maybe not until tomorrow, but you’ve got approximately 60 scrabbled together minutes of time that you can spend cleaning between now and then?  No worries!  We’ve got seven things you can do around your home to make it ready for company, without the obligatory “Sorry, I didn’t have time to clean!” from you (really, don’t say that—you won’t need to with these tips!).


Go Natural With Organic Bathroom Cleaners

Cleaning your bathroom, with all its grout, gunk, and stains need not be a harsh chemical affair. Try these organic cleaners that are gentle on your hands and on the environment too…


Clearing the Clutter: A Cathartic Practice

Earlier this week, I sat in a sangha among a roomful of spiritual seekers, gathered together in pursuit of a shared goal to reset the self.  Prior to coming, we were given the task to cut physical clutter from our lives. A few folks shared their experiences: various items of stagnant energy ushered into the forsaken trash - the ex’s toothbrush, the taunting pack of cigarettes, the size 4 pants that paraded in the past - or my personal favorite “an ex-boyfriend’s comforter he got from an ex-girlfriend”… folks were purging it all.