
Chat With A Healer: Karen Chapman - Kripalu & Acupressure

Join us to talk with Karen Chapman about holistic healing: kripalu and acupressure!


Chat With A Healer: Matt Monarch From The Raw Food World

Matt Monarch from Raw Foods sits down with Basmati to talk about everything you need to know about raw foods!


Chat With A Healer: Jack Elias From Finding True Magic talks with Jack Elias from Finding True Magic on how he began his journey to pursue his passion in Hypnotherapy.





Chat With A Healer: Ceiba Sebastian

Click to listen or read the transcription below to learn more about Ceiba Sebastian.





Ceiba:  Hello?

Marji:  Hi, Ceiba, it's Marji, how are you?

Ceiba:  Well, I'm fine, how are you?

Marji:  I'm great.  How is your day so far?