Shanta Gabriel
Shanta Gabriel
Shanta Gabriel is an author and teacher, whose life is devoted to Bridging Heaven and Earth by alignment, immersion, and connection with the Archangels. She shares this work by facilitating and inviting people into a direct experience of Infinite Intelligence and Love.
Called to move to Mount Shasta in Northern California in 2012, Shanta discovered that the sacred mountain is known as the retreat for Archangel Gabriel. The mystical presence of this great mountain is also known as the Base Chakra of the Earth and is assisting the grounding of the higher dimensions onto the planet for these changing times.
It is in this mystical land that the presence of Nature is thriving and allowing the co-creation of New Life Awakening for all beings. Many stories abound regarding the Ascended Masters who dwell and work within these higher frequencies. Shanta feels that living in Mount Shasta has inspired and deepened her work as a visionary and mystic channel.
Then in the late 80s, while going through major transitions in her personal and spiritual life, she was surprised by an extraordinary visit from Archangel Michael that ignited her journey with Archangels. In 1990 her visitation from Archangel Gabriel began a relationship that spawned two books, multiple tools for spiritual growth, and a variety of programs that she facilitates in person and on-line. Since that time, she has been working with people around the world through her writings, private sessions and classes to support others in their spiritual awakening.
From the beginning of her association with Archangel Gabriel, the messages Shanta received involved bridging Heaven and Earth by bringing Divine Light through the chakra system. This not only blended the most eternal Divine aspects but also the most authentic human aspects of a person to create a new crystalline being that can thrive in the New Life Awakening on the planet now. Divine Light is the substance which can be used as a tool of co-creation with the masters and beings from the Angelic Dimensions.
Along with teaching about the Archangels, Shanta emphasizes the awakening power of Light Field Technology to transform our lives on every level. She believes that every individual came to Earth during this time for a reason and the Angels not only want us to achieve our goals and intentions, they can help us do it more gracefully. As an elder in the new world we are creating, Shanta’s gift is to assist people with raising their energy frequency so they can live a life that is healthier, happier and more fulfilling.
Through her Inspiration for the Week, private sessions and classes, she shares her 40-year spiritual practice and experiences gleaned from the her long life path to support others in their spiritual awakening.
5 Questions, Answered From Shanta
Describe yourself in three words:
Gentle, spiritual, heart-centered
What is the greatest challenge you have overcome/are overcoming?
Creating an income that supports me.
What is unique to you about your work?
I love offering hope for people and inspiring them from my connection to the Archangels.
How do you guide clients into their own healing/inner freedom?
By offering spiritual practice that supports them.
What tools have you found least/most effective in your work?
Light Fields, Breath, Intentions, Chakra Alignments, and spiritual practice