
What is Acupressure Self-Care?

I am often asked, “What is self-care acupressure?” because I teach workshops about yoga and acupressure. I have found many people have heard of acupressure, but are not sure of the meaning of this healing modality. I am often asked, “Is acupressure and acupuncture the same thing?” The answer is that they are similar modalities. Both acupressure and acupuncture are based on the meridian system of Chinese Medicine.

Follow Your Heart Using Acupressure

There is a connection between our arms, hands, and upper back and our heart center: our arms, hands, and upper back are a reflection of our heart. There are four meridians in Chinese medicine that run through both of our arms and hands on each side of our body. These meridians, Heart, Small Intestine, Pericardium, and Triple Warmer, are all contained in the element of Fire. Do you ever feel like there is something separating you from your greatest joy in life? Is there a boundary which keeps you from connecting with other people? Have you lost your passion or fire for life?

6 Ways To Master Public Speaking With Yoga & Acupressure

I am a quiet person and I did not have natural public speaking skills when I began my teaching career.  To become a better teacher, I integrated my yoga practice into my public speaking practice.  I designed these six simple steps to help anyone become a better public speaker.  If the idea of giving a presentation in front of a group of people makes your nerves start to rise, you are not alone. But know that if you practice yoga, you are capable of moving beyond your fears.