organic home gardening

5 Items You Didn’t Know You Could Compost

If you want your garden to flourish, you might want to consider learning how to compost. Adding compost to your soil can help aid plant growth because it will create a bed of nutrients for your plants. And no, you don't need anything fancy to make your own compost pile.

How To Grow Vegetables In Winter

In the Northern Hemisphere, we are now in the heart of winter. We are, however, past the solstice, and the days will become lighter and lighter in smaller increments. If you think you are well beyond any type of growing possibilities, I want to suggest that it actually is possible to grow food in the winter.

How To Prepare Your Garden For Fall

Fall always comes faster than expected. In the garden, however, produce is at its peak with fresh berries, sweet corn, crunchy cucumbers, and juicy stone fruit sun ripe and ready to eat. 

Berry Bushes Birds Love

As winter nears, our feathered friends can have trouble finding as much food as they do in summer.  Fall is the perfect time to make sure your garden is an inviting space for birds throughout the colder months.

6 Ways To Keep Wildlife Out Of Your Garden

This summer, I planted tomatoes, strawberries, celery, Swiss chard, pole beans, and a variety of other vegetables and herbs on my deck.

10 Beneficial Birds For Garden Pest Control

Have a garden but hate dealing with pests? Birds can help out! Not only are these adorable creatures fun to watch and look at, they're also great for getting rid of insects and vermin that can damage your plants.

Medicinal Plants To Start In Your Fall Garden

Many folks get gardening on the brain as spring kicks in, but did you know that fall is a fantastic time to start or add to your medicinal plant garden?   Growing your own medicine is one of the more empowering things you can do while also adding a bit of beauty to your life.  

If you’re not sure where to start, no worries! Here are a few considerations on what to put in your medicinal plant garden…


How To Attract Ladybugs To Your Garden

Ladybugs are a gardener’s best friend. On top of being considered lucky, ladybugs are also great for getting rid of destructive pests like mites, scale, and aphids. Here's how to keep those cute little helpers around. 


How To Keep Deer Out Of Your Garden

After living in San Diego for several years, my husband and I moved to a small town in the Pacific Northwest where our closest neighbors are raccoons, owls, and, most abundantly, deer. We see them at all times of the day: in the morning from our bedroom window, in the afternoon grazing in the woods in front of our house, and at night, when I catch them taking nibbles from my garden. That is, until I realized I could create a deer-resistant garden that left nature safe and my garden intact.