olive oil

How To Make Your Own Herb-Infused Oils

Many do it yourself herbal beauty and health products start with herb-infused oils. From lip balms to massage oils, the backbone of any herbal, oil-based product is a well-infused oil. While essential oils add a particularly aromatherapeutic effect, herb-infused oils tend to add a more deeply healing quality to your herbal products.

Eat With The Seasons: 3 Refreshing Spring Salads

When spring rolls around, you find so many delicious produce items popping up at your local farmers market.

5 DIY Lip Scrubs For Chapped Lips

Winter is here so you know what that means: chapped lips! Along with drinking plenty of water and applying lip balm, you should also be using lip scrubs at least once a week.

Clean Your Grill The Non-Toxic Way

Those long, warm summer nights are dwindling.  The sun is setting earlier in the evening; there’s a welcome coolness to the morning air.  But before you swap out all your summer recipes for pumpkin-spiced everything, there’s one last summer chore you should take care of: cleaning the grill.

DIY Spa Night: Pamper Yourself Naturally At Home

Need one night to unwind? Try hosting your own DIY spa night: You can invite a bunch of your friends over, or just keep it a solo party. Either way, you're bound to have fun and get pampered!

Chocolate Avocado Facial Mask

This mask is great for all skin types, especially dry, maturing, and sun damaged skin. This mask is completely edible and tastes like chocolate pudding – so no worries if some gets in your mouth!


Natural Spring Cleaning: Make Your Own Non-Toxic Cleaning Products

Once crocuses and hyacinths begin to bloom, I’m itching to scrub my floors, vacuum my carpets, and otherwise shed the layer of dust that winter has brought. It’s spring cleaning time!

Natural Hair Care: Make Your Own Oil Elixir

Applying warm oil to your scalp and skin may sound icky at first, but the relaxing and beauty benefits you reap from it are well worth any challenges and disbelief. The very application of oil involves heating it to a comfortable temperature and then using massaging motions to apply it—whether to the scalp and hair roots, or to the skin.

5 Natural Facial Scrubs For A Fresh Face

Have you ever tried using a facial scrub? If not, you should: It's a really powerful exfoliator. Your skin loses skin cells every day and sometimes it needs a little help getting them off your face. By using a gentle (all natural) facial scrub, you'll help your skin shed any dead layers that don't want to come off. This is important if you want to make way for new, rejuvenated skin!