full moon

Avoid Impulsive Action Until After Harvest Full Moon Friday Sept 13

It will be a very busy day on the Harvest Moon (Full Moon) of Friday, September 13—which you may notice is also Friday the 13th! 

In addition to the superstition associated with Friday the 13th, the planets will be forming a tense T-square in the sky (2 square angles or 3/4 of a grand cross) under this Full Moon. This portends the feeling of being at a crossroads. Or, if you don’t feel at a crossroads, you may feel you are missing a piece of information, so you cannot necessarily move forward or back. You may feel temporarily stuck.

Express Your Creativity Under the August 15 Full Moon

Get ready to express yourself creatively under the powerful fiery energy of the August Full Moon on August 15—when the Sun, Mercury, Venus, and Mars all travel through the creative fire sign of Leo, and energetic Jupiter travels through the expressive fire sign of Sagittarius.

Practice Peace & Harmony Under The Full Moon Lunar Eclipse On July 16

The July 16 Full Moon Lunar Eclipse falls into a complex T-square pattern that is certain to provoke hidden tensions inside yourself and in your personal relationships. 

The July 16 eclipse will be visible in Europe, Asia, Australia, Africa, South America, and Antarctica, where its effects will be strongest.

Harvest Moon: A Time For Balance & Self-Expression

The Harvest Moon on September 24 opens the gateway for harvesting the fruits of your labors from the past. This is a point of annual manifestation of the cause and effect (karma) you have created during the previous year. It’s also a time to celebrate the harvest season like the ancients did at this rich time of year.

Sagittarius Full Moon: Passionately Seeking Wisdom

Full Moon – Sagittarius 8°10′ - May 29, 2018

All Full Moons highlight the opposing polarities in our lives. They ask us to see and make choices so that we may know ourselves better.  

Enter the Eagle

Throughout history we’ve celebrated the return of those who left the village and travelled beyond the “known world.” Upon their return, the information they shared with us expanded our understanding of the world and ourselves. There was both excitement and comfort in seeing the bigger picture and our place within it.

Scorpio Full Moon: The Phoenix Within You

Full Moon - Scorpio 9° 38’ – April 29, 2018

A Full Moon is a time to harvest the fruit of our efforts for this cycle. It’s a time to be illuminated on what we’ve created in our lives, what we want to keep, and what we need to change.

Chat With A Healer: Andrea Bryant - July's Full Moon

Astrologer Andrew Bryant chats with Basmati about what the Capricorn Full Moon has in store this month!


March Full Moon: Pisces & Virgo

A full moon occurs when the sun and the moon are opposite to one another from earth’s perspective. This gives us the opportunity to receive the moon’s full reflection of light, energy, and beauty.

During the full moon of March 12, 2017, the sun shines its light through the energy of Pisces onto the moon, who in turn reflects her light under the influence of Virgo. We, on Earth, receive the energies of both the Sun in Pisces and the Moon in Virgo.

The Cosmic Story:  Gemini/Sagittarius Full Moon 2016

Truth or Dare?

Where to start? This will be an 'end of the year' astrological look at the energies at play in the cosmos during this most intense, chaotic, antagonistic year. Let's look at these big aspects that set the stage for this Full Moon and the New Year.

Taurus Full Moon - November 14, 2016

Tonight, November 14, 2016, the moon is full and closer than it's been in decades. Sitting in grounded, body-conscious, bull-headed Taurus, who is ruled by passion-driven Venus, the energy of the day is all about the passionate embodiment of a new life. When it comes to matters of abundance, this full moon prompts us to “break-up with poverty” and embrace our abundant nature in more ways than one.